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T • Annual report 2012
is one of the newest SAMCoT industry partners.
Hilde Benedikte Østlund, Vice President Research &
Development – Kvaerner Concrete Solutions, says the
company views SAMCoT as a way to help build their
expertise in a demanding environment.
“The Arctic is becoming increasingly important in
securing energy supplies for the future while balanc­
ing economic, environmental and social challenges,”
Østlund says. “Arctic oil and natural gas resource explo­
ration and development are demanding and the Arctic
physical environment presents special challenges not
experienced elsewhere in the world. Special solutions
and experience will be required.”
The polar regions pose both familiar and entirely new
responsibilities in exploration and exploitation, Østlund
says. Some, such as emergency preparedness and
protection of a vulnerable environment, are familiar
because they are important for natural-resource based
companies no matter where they operate.
But the Arctic adds another layer of complexity, with
winter dark, remoteness and lack of infrastructure,
Karlsen adds. “These present challenges with respect
to the safety and health of our personnel,” he says.
Working with SAMCoT has “reinforced our under­
standing of close collaboration between the industry,
academia and research institutes to meet future opera­
tional and HSE standards and mitigate the risks.”
Handling the ice
Then there’s the issue of Arctic ice. Ice poses multifac­
eted questions for businesses and researchers alike. Ice
will put pressure on permanent and floating structures,
but what is the best way to manage those stresses?
Østlund says Kværner is very interested in knowing
more about how ice should play into the design of struc­
tures. For example, should structures be designed and
built using traditional approaches and using the infor­
mation that SAMCoT gathers about ice loads?
Or would it be better to use information about how ice
can be managed to lessen the loads on structures, which
would then require different design criteria? The 2012
Oden cruise to the northeast coast of Greenland, where
old ice prevails, is one of many ways that SAMCoT is
collecting the data that will help answer these questions.
That fundamental information, and its ability to shape
the way the industry works in the north, is one impor­
tant reason why GDF Suez E&P Norway AS, another
new SAMCoT partner, is enthusiastic about the Centre’s
“We expect that SAMCoT will provide state-of-the-art
technology and methodology for the sustainable exploi­
tation of oil and gas resources in the high north,” GDF
Suez’s TomSteinskog and Erik Schiager say. Steinskog is
leader, Technology and Development for GDF Suez E&P
Norway AS, while Schiager is advisor, asset manage­
ment for the company.
KV Svalbard 2012: Raed Lubbad and Stig R. Søberg
deploying an ITD on an ice floe.
Board Members
• Arnor Jensen (Multiconsult)
• Berit Laanke (SINTEF)
• Gina Ytteborg (Shell)
• Helen Flå (UNIS)
• Ingvald Strømmen (NTNU)
• Morten Karlsen (Statoil)
• Per Olav Moslet (DNV)
• Rune Teigland (TOTAL)
• Tom Steinskog (GDF Suez)
• Kimberly Mayes (Observer, RCN)
• Sveinung Løset (Secretary to the
Board, NTNU).