CenSES annual report 2011
Dissemination objectives
Disseminate results to the public through:
- Yearly conferences
- Workshops and seminars
- Bi-monthly newsletter
- High visibility in the news media
Establish Innovation Forum in cooperation with
technology-oriented FMEs
Establish an Energy Strategy Board together with
Establish a public website
Establish a blog at forskning.no (Dei fornybare)
17 %
21 %
19 %
19 %
10 %
14 %
NOK 252 mill 2011-2018
RA1. Policy and transition strategies
RA2. Energy system and markets
RA3. Economic analysis
RA4. Innovation, commercialization and
public engagement
RA5. Scenario development
Centre activities and managment
CenSES in Numbers 2011
25 PhD candidates with financial support from the centre
budget and 22 in related projects are recruited.
4 Post docs with financial support from the centre budget and
2 in related projects are recruited.
28 Master students
11 Journal papers
3 Book chapters
39 Conference presentations/invited lectures
15 Popular science publications and presentations
4 meetings to establish user cases
Established 2 user cases
Started 8 new projects with funding from the Research Council
of Norway and EU
Arranged 1 winterschool and 3 PhD workshops
Coarranged 1 scientific conference
Publication objectives
- Publish 120 articles in Journals with peer review
- Present 150 papers on international conferences
- Write 3 scientific books and 40 book chapters in
edited books
In addition to strictly academic dissemination
through journals and scientific conferences, CenSES
have high goals concerning publishing results that
will be useful tools for energy policy making and can
contribute to creating a better and broader energy
discussion in society