CenSES annual report 2011
Appendix 3: Publications
Journal papers
Daamen, Dancker D. L., Terwel, Bart W., Mors, E. t., Torvatn H., et al., 2011, Scrutinizing the impact of CCS communication on
opinion quality: Focus group discussions versus Information-Choice Questionnaires: Results from experimental research in six
countries. Energy Procedia, 6182-6187, ISSN 1876-6102.
Eskeland, G.S, Mideksa T. K., Rive N.A., 2011, Europe’s climate goals and the electricity sector, Energy Policy,doi:10.1016/j.en-
Hojem, T. S. M., and Lagesen V. A. , 2011, Doing environmental concerns in consulting engineering. Engineering Studies, Volum
3.(2) s. 123-143
Holden E., Linnerud K., 2011., Troublesome Leisure Travel: The Contradictions of Three Sustainable Transport Policies, Urban
Studies, 48(14) 3087–3106.
Holden, E. (accepted, 2013), Ecological Footprint, in Susan J Smith et al (eds) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home
(Oxford: Elsevier)
Holden, E., Linnerud, K. (accepted, 2013), Housing and Sustainable Transport, in Susan J Smith et al (eds) International Encyclo-
pedia of Housing and Home (Oxford: Elsevier)
Holden, E., Linnerud, K. (accepted, 2014), The Unmanageable Leisure-time Travel, in: Hickman, R., Bonilla, D. Givoni, M. and ,
Banister, D. (eds) International Handbook on Transport and Development (Edward Elgar)
Pietzner, K., Schumann D., Tvedt, S. D., Torvatn H., et al., 2011, Public awareness and perceptions of carbon dioxide capture and
storage (CCS): Insights from surveys administered to representative samples in six European countries. Energy Procedia, 6300-
6306, ISSN 1876- 6102.
Ryghaug M., Sørensen K. H., Næss R., 2011, Making sense of global warming: Norwegians appropriating knowledge of anthro-
pogenic climate change. Public Understanding of Science, Volum 20 (6),778-795
Ryghaug, M., 2011, Obstacles to sustainable development: The destabilisation of climate change knowledge. Sustainable De-
velopment, Volum 19.(3) s. 157-166
Tyson Weaver (2011), Financial appraisal of operational offshore wind energy projects, in review, Renewable & Sustainable
Energy Reviews (nov).
Book chapters
Holden, E. (2012): Transport for Suburbia, (Paul Mees, Eartscan), Urban Studies, Vol 49/01
Fodstad M., Midthun K. and Tomasgard, A., Tactical portfolio optimization in the natural gas supply chain, In Giorgio Consigli,
Marida Ida Bertocchi, Michael A. H. Dempster (editors) , Stochastic Optimization Methods in Finance and Energy: New Finan-
cial products and energy market strategies, New York, Springer, 2011.
Nørstebø V. S., Schütz P., Fodstad M., Hellemo L., Midthun K., Rømo F., Tomasgard A., 2011, Using Operations Research to Plan
Natural Gas Production and Transportation on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research
and Management Science. Oxford, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Conference presentations/invited lectures
Bakken B., Kraftsektoren mot 2050, invited lecture, NVE, 10.06.11
Bakken B., European scenarios, Statkraft workshop, NTNU, 20.06.11
Egging R., Case studies with a multi-fuel market equilibrium model, Presented at Fifth Transatlantic Infraday, Washington DC,
USA, Nov 2011
Eskeland G. S., Foredrag for Mistrastiftelsen og CEPS, Political Economy of Climate Policy, Stockholm, 21.09.11.
Eskeland G. S., Foredrag for NFR, Kan samfunnsvitere gi oss ny teknologi? UiB, Bergen, 29.09.11
Eskeland G. S., Foredrag for RENERGI styret, Hva hvis klimapolitikk er ledelse?, Bergen. 04.11.11