Message from the Chair of the Board
The year of 2011 has been a very exciting year for CenSES, as this was the first year of operating as Centre for Environ-
ment-friendly Energy Research (FME), and as one of three new centres with focus on social science-related energy
research in Norway. Thus, it was a highlight when the Centre was formally opened by the Minister of Petroleum and
Energy, Ola Borten Moe, at the opening
conference in June 2011. Here Borten Moe revealed his high expectations
towards the future public energy debate, and invited academia to be more engaged in this respect. This is also one
of CenSES’ objectives.
With 8 Norwegian research partners, 21 user partners and 10 collaborating international research partners, CenSES
has a good possibility to achieve its research objectives and interdisciplinary ambitions. As this annual report shows,
CenSES is already involved in many interesting research projects, and I am looking forward to follow CenSES in its
further development. Having conducted 3 PhD workshops, a successful Annual Conference in Oslo with 70 partici-
pants from academia and industry, CenSES is also under way of producing important input to energy policy through
reports and publications. This I expect to see more of in the years to come, as CenSES produces more and more valu-
able knowledge that is relevant and important to policy makers and public authorities.
Kari Melby, Chair of the Board, CenSES
Message from the Centre Director
CenSES was established as a research centre in April 2009 as a cooperation between the research partners. In Feb-
ruary 2011 we were awarded status as Centre for Environmentally-friendly Energy Research (FME) by the Research
Council of Norway, and we secured the cooperation with 21 user partners and 10 international partners. It has been
a year focusing on starting up new activities and implementing the centre organization and structure.
One highlight for me has been the recruitment of the master students, researchers, PhD candidates and post docs.
Close to 100 researchers has been involved in CenSES research and education activities in 2011. Throughout the
year, we have observed among the partners the same spirit that triggered us to establish the research cooperation:
A genuine interest in cooperation - between disciplines and between different organizations.
You can read more about the results of the CenSES activities in this annual report.
Asgeir Tomasgard, Centre Director, CenSES
CenSES - Centre for Sustainable Energy Studies
Faculty of Humanities
NO-7491 Trondheim
Contact persons:
Asgeir Tomasgard, Director
Marianne Ryghaug, Deputy Director
Carina Reinholtsen, Centre Manager
Photo of Asgeir Tomasgard on this page: Tore Oksholen, Universitetsavisa.
Portrait photos are from the employers or private photos.
Other uncredited photos and illustrations are from iStockphoto, including front page.