CenSES annual report 2011
RA2 consists of four work packages:
- WP1: Modelling technologies and technology
- WP2: End use demand and energy efficiency
- WP3: Including new functionality in energy sys-
tem and market models
- WP4: Effects of global policy on national and
regional energy systems.
Research in 2011
There is a common understanding of the impor-
tance of reliable data sources, and work has been
initiated to find the suitable format of the joint
CenSES energy system database.
In the first phase the development of the database
focuses on energy production (renewable techno-
Zero Emission Buildings
RA 2 Energy Systems and Markets
logies and CCS), and includes technology data and
economic parameters. Availability and access to the
database, and how the data can be maintained af-
ter CenSES has also been an important part of the
Karen Byskov Lindberg works on a PhD project
50% financed by CenSES and 50% by the FME Zero
Emission Buildings (ZEB). She works a quarter of
her time with the Norwegian Directorate of Water
and Energy.
In order to find how Zero Emisssion Buildings will
influence the energy system, it is necessary to es-
tablish knowledge on the existing building stock to
find the differences from existing buildings to ZEB
In the first part of the project, load profiles for exist-
ing buildings will be studied, mainly non-residential
buildings, identifying energy demand patterns for
different energy services, i.e. electric appliances and
heating. Secondly load profiles for ZEB buildings,
both residential and non-residential, will be estab-
lished for Norwegian conditions.
And lastly the ZEB load profiles is to be analysed
using the energy system analysis tool TIMES and
the power market model EMPS.
In this project the main challenges are establish-
ing representative ZEB-buildings, and identifying
the response on the load profiles due to smart grid
and DSM. Through the analysis of the load profiles
with the energy system and power market model-
ling tools, we seek to identify the influence on fu-
ture investment in transmission capacities (TIMES)
and stability of the grid (EMPS) due to more fre-
quent power exchange.
Renewable energy and system integration