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Fakultet for arkitektur og billedkunst 2013
Haase, Matthias.
Introduction to Building Simulation teaching. IBPSA-Nordic PhD
seminar; 2013-09-19 - 2013-09-20. NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Heide, Vegard.
Greenhouse gas emissions with natural and balanced ventilation. RHEVA
conference Clima 2013; 2013-06-16 - 2013-06-19. NTNU
Hakonsen, Finn.
Resurfacing of the Tectonics. Arsthetics, the Uneasy dimension in
Architecture; 2013-04-26 - 2013-04-26. NTNU
Hakonsen, Finn.
The Tectonic meaning in LC architecture - the case of Le Cabanon. ICSA -
Structures and Architecture; 2013-07-24 - 2013-07-26. NTNU
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
Fremtidens fleksible sykehus. Fleksibelt produkt - fleksibel prosjekt.
Danske regioner. Netværksmøte om sygehusbyggeri; 2013-08-28 - 2013-
08-29. NTNU
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
Kompetanse for bedre eiendomsledelse. Hva må vi kunne?. Kursdagene
2013, NTNU; 2013-01-10 - 2013-01-11. NTNU
Harvey, Simon.
Agility, Balance, In-competence and Adaptability in Artistic Research and
Learning. Contemporary Art Didactics: Applied Aesthetics andSensuous
Knowledge; 2013-03-11 - 2013-03-11. NTNU
Haugen, Tore I.
Managing change: Profiling change in a globalised world. 16th meetings
of Heads of European Schools of Architecture; 2013-08-31 - 2013-09-03.
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
A sustainable built environment - challenges and opportunities.. Nordic
conference on construction economics and organization; 2013-06-12
-2013-06-13. NTNU
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
A sustainable built environment - future focus.. The Academy of Finland
Seminar; 2013-09-18 - 2013-09-18. NTNU
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Fremtidens bygninger - et svar på klimautfordringene.. Seminar ved
HiST; 2013-11-21. NTNU
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Lavenergi og lavutslipp. Arkitektoniske muligheter og utfordringer..
Erfaringsutvekslingsseminar.; 2013-04-11 - 2013-04-11. NTNU
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Solar powered buildings - also for Norway.. Norwegian Solar Cell
Conference; 2013-03-10 - 2013-03-11. NTNU
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Solenergi i byplanlegging.. Solenergidagen 2013; 2013-04-26 - 2013-04-
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Zero energy and zero emission buildings - a challenge also for
architects.. DTU International Energy Conference; 2013-09-10 - 2013-09-
12. NTNU
Höger, Kerstin.
Campus und die Stadt – Wissensterritorien, kreative Räume und
urbane Netzwerke / Campus and the City – knowledge territories,
creativespaces and urban networks. Faculty lecture Bern University;
2013-04-25 - 2013-04-25. NTNU
Höger, Kerstin.
Lima Mega City: Formal-Informal Urbanism. Towards an Open
Urban Design and Architecture. Lecture & Workshop Welcome with
JuvenalBarraco and Nicolas Hünerwadel; 2013-09-24 - 2013-09-24.
Höger, Kerstin.
Stadtraum & Landschaftsraum – erforschen, festigen, entwerfen /
Cityscape & Landscape – explore, stabilize, conceptualize. Faculty
lectureUniversity of Stuttgart; 2013-07-04 - 2013-07-04. NTNU
Höger, Kerstin.
Urban Design – own oeuvre. Welcome Workshop & Symposia Lecture
URP-NTNU; 2013-02-11 - 2013-02-11. NTNU
Höger, Kerstin.
Urban Design.1 – contemporary urban phenomena, concepts and
projects (high-density nodes and transition areas). Faculty Lecture URP;
2013-09-30 - 2013-09-30. NTNU
Höger, Kerstin.
Urban Design.2 – contemporary urban phenomena, concepts and
projects (knowledge territories and the cultural landscape). Lecture
URP; 2013-10-11 - 2013-10-11. NTNU
Höger, Kerstin; Hünerwadel, Nicolas.
Formal-Informal Urban Design & Architecture: The Case of San Felipe
and Previ, Lima, Peru. Guided tour; 2013-09-29 - 2013-09-29. NTNU
Höger, Kerstin; Hünerwadel, Nicolas.
Lima Mega City.1: studio projects on the urban transformation of
Barrios Altos, Av. Argentina and Av. Brasil. Presentation to Centenario
Corporation; 2013-10-03 - 2013-10-03. NTNU
Höger, Kerstin; Hünerwadel, Nicolas.
Lima Mega City.1: studio results on urban transformation of Barrios
Altos, Av. Argentina and Av. Brasil. Presentation to Municipality of
Lima;2013-10-10 - 2013-10-10. NTNU
Höger, Kerstin; Hünerwadel, Nicolas.
Lima Mega City.1: Urban transformation of industrial zone from Lima to
El Callao. Presentation to Alicorp Corporation; 2013-09-27 - 2013-09-27.
Höger, Kerstin; Reiser, Juan.
Urban and architectural development of Lima – from pre-Columbian to
contemporary Peru. Colloquium; 2013-10-15 - 2013-10-15. NTNU
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie.
Zero Emission Buildings and climate calculation models. KLIMAX
FROKOST SEMINAR; 2013-09-16 - 2013-09-16. NTNU
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie.
A Net Zero Emission Concept Analysis of Norwegian Single Family House
- A CO2 Accounting Method. CISBAT 2013 Clean Technology for Smart
Cities and Buildings; 2013-09-04 - 2013-09-06. NTNU
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie.
Presentation of IEA EBC Annex 57/subtask 4. IEA EBC Annex 56 Industry
Workshop In cooperation with IEA EBC Annex 57 and AIDA; 2013-09-25 -
2013-09-25. NTNU
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie.
Progress report of IEA Annex 57/subtask 4. IEA-ECBCS Annex 57/
Subtask 4; 2013-01-23 - 2013-01-24. NTNU
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie.
Progress report of subtask 4 IEA EBC Annex 57 (5th Meeting). 5th
Meeting IEA EBC Annex 57; 2013-09-25 - 2013-09-27. NTNU
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie.
Zero Emissions Buildings; Accounting for wood in the ZEB residential
case study model. Trenova; 2013-08-30 - 2013-08-30. NTNU