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Brunsgaard, Camilla; Dvorakova, Pavla; Wyckmans, Annemie;
Stutterecker, Werner; Laskari, Marina; Almeida, Manuela; Kabele,
Karel;Magyar, Zoltan; Bartkiewicz, Piotr; Op ’t Veld, Peter.
Integrated Energy Design - Education and Training in Cross-
disciplinary Teams Implementing Energy Performance of Buildings
Directive (EPBD).
Building and Environment
2013 ;Volum 72.(Feb)
s.1-14. NTNU
De Paoli, Donatella; Arge, Kirsten; Blakstad, Siri Hunnes.
Creating business value with open space flexible offices.
Journal of
Corporate Real Estate
2013 ;Volum 15.(3/4) s.181-193. BI NTNU
Gao, Tao; Jelle, Bjørn Petter.
Paraotwayite-Type -Ni(OH)2 Nanowires: Structural, Optical and
Electrochemical Properties.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
;Volum117. s.17294-17302. NTNU SINTEF
Gao, Tao; Jelle, Bjørn Petter.
Thermal Conductivity of TiO2 Nanotubes.
The Journal of Physical
Chemistry C
2013 ;Volum 117. s.1401-1408. NTNU SINTEF
Gao, Tao; Jelle, Bjørn Petter.
Visible-Light-Driven Photochromism of Hexagonal Sodium Tungsten
Bronze Nanorods.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
2013 ;Volum
117.s.13753-13761. NTNU SINTEF
Gao, Tao; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Gustavsen, Arild.
Core-shell-typed Ag@SiO2 Nanoparticles as Solar Selective Coating
Journal of nanoparticle research
2013 ;Volum 15.(1)
Gao, Tao; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Gustavsen, Arild.
Synthesis and Characterization of Sodium Tungsten Bronze Nanorods
for Electrochromic Smart Window Applications. I:
Proceedings of The
13thIEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology
. IEEE conference
proceedings 2013 ISBN 978-1-4799-0675-8. s.1093-1096. NTNU
Gao, Tao; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Sandberg, Linn Ingunn Christie;
Gustavsen, Arild.
Monodisperse Hollow Silica Nanospheres for Nano Insulation
Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Life Cycle Assessment.
ACS AppliedMaterials and Interfaces
2013 ;Volum 5. s.761-767.
Gao, Tao; Norby, Poul.
Frame Stability of Tunnel-Structured Cryptomelane Nanofibers:
The Role of Tunnel Cations.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
2013;Volum 2013.(28) s.4948-4957. NTNU
Goia, Francesco; Bianco, Lorenza; Serra, Valentina; Perino, Marco.
Energy Performance Assessment of Advanced Integrated Façades by
Means of Synthetic Metrics.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2013;Volum 263.(3) s.21-28. NTNU
Goia, Francesco; Haase, Matthias; Perino, Marco.
Optimizing the configuration of a façade module for office buildings
by means of integrated thermal and lighting simulations in a total
Applied Energy
2013 ;Volum 108. s.515-527. NTNU
Hakonsen, Finn.
The Tectonic meaning in LC architecture - the case of Le Cabanon. I:
Structures and Architecture – Concepts, Applications and Challenges.
CRC Press 2013 ISBN 978-0-415-66195-9. s.2052-2058. NTNU
Hatleskog, Eli.
Cooperatives, Control or Compromise? The Changing Role of
Participation in Norwegian Housing.
2013 ;Volum 13. s.99-
114. NTNU
Hjelmbrekke, Hallgrim; Lædre, Ola; Lohne, Jardar.
On the difference between project management success and project
success. I:
7th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and
Organisation, Trondheim, June 12-14, 2013
. Akademika forlag 2013
ISBN 978-82-321-0273-0. s.123-133. NTNU
Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Sveipe, Erland; Wegger, Erlend; Uvsløkk, Sivert;
Grynning, Steinar; Thue, Jan Vincent; Time, Berit; Gustavsen,Arild.
Moisture Robustness During Retrofitting of Timber Frame Walls with
Vacuum Insulation Panels: Experimental and Theoretical Studies.
Hygrothermal Behaviour, Building Pathology and Durability.
2013 ISBN 978-3-642-31157-4. s.183-210. NTNU SINTEF
Manum, Bendik; Nilsen, Dag.
Engineers and the role of structures in architecture. I:
and Architecture – Concepts, Applications and Challenges.
CRC Press
2013ISBN 978-0-415-66195-9. s.1727-1734. NTNU
Matusiak, Barbara; Anter, Karin Fridell; Nussbaum, Peter Stefan;
Angelo, Kine; Sole, Aditya Suneel.
Colour shift: perceived and measured. I:
AIC Colour 2013, 12th
Congress of the International Colour Association, 8-12 July, 2013,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Proceedings, Vol 1-4.
The International
Colour Association 2013 ISBN 978-0901623027. s.1637-1640.
Misiopecki, Cezary; Decheva, Larisa Marinova; Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Gustavsen, Arild.
Practical Methods for Ensuring Energy-Efficient Window-to-Wall
Connections. I:
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on
Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings,
Clearwater Beach, Florida, December 1-5, 2013
. 2013 ISBN 978-1-
936504-61-9. NTNU SINTEF
Møystad, Ole; Pisters, Hettie.
Den urbane handling - Intelligens, plan og prosjekt i byutviklingen.
Arkitektur N
2013 (6) s.26-35. NTNU
Pacheco, Fernanda; Wyckmans, Annemie.
Spatial Quality Indicators for Energy Renovation of Residential
Buildings. Funded by the European COST-TUD Conference Grant
for Early StageResearchers 2013-04-20 in connection to the COST
Action Smart Low Carbon Regions DC_TUD-00139, to which NTNU
- Norwegian Universityof Science and Technology is among the
partners.. I:
CESB13 - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building
Grada Publishing 2013 ISBN9788024750156. s.151-154. NTNU
Pignataro, Maria Annunziata; Lobaccaro, Gabriele; Zani, Giulio.
Digital and physical models for the validation of sustainable design
Automation in Construction
2013 ;Volum 39. s.1-14. NTNU
Plavina, Alise; Haase, Matthias.
Sustainable transformation of existing buildings - a case study of a
transformation of a barn at Camphill Rotvoll. I:
7th Nordic Conference
on Construction Economics and Organisation, Trondheim, June 12-14,
Akademika forlag 2013 ISBN 978-82-321-0273-0. s.81-91.
Risholt, Birgit Dagrun; Berker, Thomas.
Success for energy efficient renovation of dwellings - Learning from
private homeowners.
Energy Policy
2013 ;Volum 61. s.1022-1030.
Risholt, Birgit Dagrun; Wærnes, Elisabeth Gaal; Time, Berit;
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Renovation status and technical condition of Norwegian dwellings.
Structural Survey
2013 ;Volum 31.(5) s.334-346. NTNU SINTEF