Arvesen, Liv; Matusiak, Barbara.
Romlaboratoriet 1960-2010 - fortellinger om studier i full skala. I: ARKITEKTUR I
HUNDRE - Arkitektutdanningen i Trondheim 1910 - 2010. Tapir
Akademisk Forlag 2011 ISBN 978-82-519-2690-4. s.125-130 - NTNU
Bohne, Rolf André; Wyckmans, Annemie.
Parallel commissioning. A new way of planning for a sustainable settlement. The
case of Brøset, Trondheim. I: SB11 - proceedings vol.2.
Helsinki: VTT 2011 ISBN 9789517585347. s.302-303 - NTNU
Bourrelle, Julien S.; Gustavsen, Arild.
Allocating GHG Emissions to the Co-Products of micro Cogeneration - The Case of
Emission Balance in Zero Emission Buildings (ZEBs). I: SB11
Proceedings Volume 1. Helsinki: VTT 2011 ISBN 978 951 758 531 6. s.326-327 - NTNU
Braathen, Martin.
Gjenbruk og fortetting. I: Arkitekturårbok 2011. Pax Forlag 2011
ISBN 9788253034614. s.31-32 - NTNU
Braathen, Martin.
The New Museum, New Institutionalism and the Problem of Architecture. I: (Re)
Staging the Art Museum. Berlin: Revolver Publishing / Henie
Onstad Kunstsenter 2011 ISBN 978-82-90955-94-1. s.219-244 - NTNU
Cold, Birgit.
Arkitekturevaluering og omgivelsesestetikk. I: ARKITEKTUR I HUNDRE -
Arkitektutdanningen i Trondheim 1910 - 2010. Tapir Akademisk Forlag
2011 ISBN 978-82-519-2690-4. s.299-304 - NTNU
Farkas, Klaudia.
The art of photovoltaics.. I: ISES Solar World Congress 2011 Proceedings. Freiburg,
Germany: ISES 2011 ISBN 978 39814659 0 7. - NTNU
Farkas, Klaudia.
The perception of formal and symbolic aesthetics of photovoltaics.. I: ISES Solar
World Congress 2011 Proceedings. Freiburg, Germany: ISES
2011 ISBN 978 39814659 0 7. - NTNU
Finocchiaro, Luca.
Architecture and climate. I: Energy and Architecture : Improvement of energy
performance in existing buildings. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2746-8. s.28-35 - NTNU
Finocchiaro, Luca; Haase, Matthias; Wyckmans, Annemie.
+hytte. Sustainable design among didactics, research and social awareness. I: SB11 -
proceedings vol.2. Helsinki: VTT 2011 ISBN 9789517585347. - NTNU
Finocchiaro, Luca; Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Symbiosis and mimesis in the built environment.. I: Aesthetics of Sustainable
Architecture. 010 Publishers 2011 ISBN 978 90 6450 752 6. s.259-272 - NTNU
Fiskaa, Helge.
Ny tid, nytt institutt og ny lov - ei utvida rolle for planlegginga. I: ARKITEKTUR I
HUNDRE - Arkitektutdanningen i Trondheim 1910 - 2010. Tapir
Akademisk Forlag 2011 ISBN 978-82-519-2690-4. s.135-137 - NTNU
Fiskaa, Helge.
Samarbeid med byggmiljøet. I: ARKITEKTUR I HUNDRE - Arkitektutdanningen i
Trondheim 1910 - 2010. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN978-82-519-2690-4. s.138-139 - NTNU
Fiskaa, Helge; Røe, Bjørn.
Byplanlegging, utdanning og samfunn. I: ARKITEKTUR I HUNDRE -
Arkitektutdanningen i Trondheim 1910 - 2010. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2690-4. s.51-53 - NTNU
Flack, Sverre.
Byforming gjennom 1980- og 90-tallet. I: ARKITEKTUR I HUNDRE -
Arkitektutdanningen i Trondheim 1910 - 2010. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2690-4. s.146-151 - NTNU
Flack, Sverre.
Norge rundt med Planbussen. I: ARKITEKTUR I HUNDRE - Arkitektutdanningen i
Trondheim 1910 - 2010. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2690-4. s.157-158 - NTNU
Flack, Sverre.
Sverre Pedersen - generalist og byplanlegger. I: ARKITEKTUR I HUNDRE -
Arkitektutdanningen i Trondheim 1910 - 2010. Tapir Akademisk
Forlag 2011 ISBN 978-82-519-2690-4. s.60-67 - NTNU
Gao, Tao; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Gustavsen, Arild.
Nanomaterials for Advanced Glazing Technologies. I: Proceedings of CISBAT 2011
International Conference – CleanTech for Sustainable
Buildings – From Nano to Urban Scale. Lausanne, Switzerland: Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology 2011 ISBN 978-2-8399-0906-8. s.55-60 - NTNU
Goia, Francesco; Perino, Marco; Haase, Matthias.
Numerical assessment of various PCM glazing system configurations. I: Proceedings
of CISBAT 2011 International Conference – CleanTech for
Sustainable Buildings – From Nano to Urban Scale. Lausanne, Switzerland: Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology 2011 ISBN 978-2-8399-0906-8. - NTNU
Grynning, Steinar; Gustavsen, Arild; Time, Berit.
Solar Shading Systems and Thermal Performance of Windows in Nordic Climates. I:
Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, NSB 2011. Tampere
University of Technology 2011 ISBN 978-952-15-2573-5. s.1273-1280 - NTNU
Grytli, Eir Ragna.
Energy and heritage conservation. I: Energy and Architecture : Improvement of
energy performance in existing buildings. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2746-8. s.16-21 - NTNU
Grytli, Eir Ragna; Nilsen, Dag.
Arkitekturhistorie og bygningsvern i hundre år. I: ARKITEKTUR I HUNDRE -
Arkitektutdanningen i Trondheim 1910 - 2010. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2690-4. s.34-46 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Energy efficient control of daylight in an office room under Norwegian climate. I:
Proceedings of CISBAT 2011 International Conference –
CleanTech for Sustainable Buildings – From Nano to Urban Scale. Lausanne,
Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 2011
ISBN 978-2-8399-0906-8. - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Energy implications of different infiltration models. I: Proceedings of the 9th Nordic
Symposium on Building Physics, NSB 2011. Tampere
University of Technology 2011 ISBN 978-952-15-2573-5. s.113-120 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Heat transfer in ventilated double facades with obstruction. I: Proceedings of the 9th
Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, NSB 2011.
Tampere University of Technology 2011 ISBN 978-952-15-2573-5. s.1297-1304 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Heat transfer in ventilated double facades with obstructions. I: Proceedings of the 9th
Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, NSB 2011.
Tampere University of Technology 2011 ISBN 978-952-15-2573-5. s.1228-1232 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Heating Cooling Ventilation. I: Energy and Architecture : Improvement of energy
performance in existing buildings. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2746-8. - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Introduction to Energy performance calculation. I: Energy and Architecture :
Improvement of energy performance in existing buildings. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2746-8. - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Passive house criteria. I: Energy and Architecture : Improvement of energy
performance in existing buildings. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2746-8. - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Finocchiaro, Luca.
Building form, climate and energy supply system in a passive house building. I: SB11
- proceedings vol.2. Helsinki: VTT 2011 ISBN 9789517585347. - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Finocchiaro, Luca.
Building form, climate and energy supply system in a passive house building. I:
PHN11 Helsinki - 4th Nordic Passive House Conference.
Helsinki: VTT 2011 ISBN 978-951-758-535-4. - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Flower-Ellis, Thomas.
Renewable energy sources. I: Energy and Architecture : Improvement of energy
performance in existing buildings. Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2746-8. s.72-79 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Wigenstad, Tore.
Double-skin facade technology for energy-efficient commercial building
refurbishment in Norway. I: Roomvent 2011. Tapir Akademisk Forlag
2011 ISBN 9788251928120. - NTNU
Fakultet for arkitektur og billedkunst 2011