Page 25 - årsrapport2011-flip

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Grytli, Eir Ragna.
Improvement of Energy performance in Timber Buildings (Keynote speaker).
Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings; 2011-02-09 - 2011-02-11 - NTNU
Grytli, Eir Ragna.
Kompetanseutvikling for forvaltere av Statens verneverdige eiendommer.
Nettverkssamling; 2011-09-22 - NTNU
Grytli, Eir Ragna.
Perspektiver på bruk av eksisterende bygninger og kulturmiljøer. Åpning av utstilling
av studentprosjekter, Odda Smelteverk; 2011-01-24 - NTNU
Grytli, Eir Ragna.
Undervisning i bygningsarkeologi - kontekster og utfordringer. (Keynote speaker).
Nordisk konferanse for bygningsarkeologi 2011; 2011-09-30 - 2011-10-02 - NTNU
Grytli, Eir Ragna.
Verdiskaping på kulturhistorisk grunn. Teoretisk perspektiv på ny bruk av eksisterende
bygninger. Forum for statlig kulturhistorisk eiendom; 2011-01-18 - NTNU
Grytli, Eir Ragna.
Verneprinsipper og regelkonflikter. Energibruk og universell utforming i verneverdige
bygg. Nettverkssamling, Landsverneplan for Helsesektoren;
2011-05-11 - 2011-05-12 - NTNU
Gustavsen, Arild; Jelle, Bjørn Petter.
Vinduer for framtiden – Resultater fra forskning. Glass og fasadedagene 2011;
2011-03-31 - 2011-04-03 - NTNU
Gustavsen, Arild; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Gao, Tao; Tilset, Bente Gilbu; Jahren, Susie.
Materials for Zero Emission Buildings - Properties, Requirements and Possibilities.
5th KIFEE International Symposium on Environment, Energy and Materials;
2011-03-08 - 2011-03-11 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Chair of Technical Session Nr 26. 12th International conference on air distribution in
rooms, Roomvent 2011; 2011-06-19 - 2011-06-22 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Dobbeltfasader i nybygg og ved rehabilitering. Bygningsfysikkdagen 2011;
2011-11-29 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Energy efficient control of daylight in an office room under Norwegian climate.
CleanTech for Sustainable Buildings - From Nano to Urban Scale,
CISBAT 11; 2011-09-14 - 2011-09-16 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Energy implications of different infiltration models. Nordic Building Physics
Symposium 2011; 2011-05-29 - 2011-06-02 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Heat transfer in ventilated double facades with obstructions. Nordic Building Physics
Symposium 2011; 2011-05-29 - 2011-06-02 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
LECO- Dagslys, elektrisk belysning og solavskjerming. LECO avslutningsseminar;
2011-11-07 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
LECO- Energikonsept for et nytt kontorbygg Casestudie: Strindveien 4, Trondheim.
LECO avslutningsseminar; 2011-11-07 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias.
Sustainable refurbishment of existing buildings. World Sustainable Building
Conference (SB11); 2011-10-18 - 2011-10-21 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Finocchiaro, Luca.
Building form, climate and energy supply system in a passive house building. 4th
Nordic Passive house conference 2011; 2011-10-17 - 2011-10-19 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Grini, Catherine.
LECO- Energikonsept for et nytt kontorbygg Casestudie: Hagaløkkveien 28 i Asker.
LECO avslutningsseminar; 2011-11-07 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Simonsen, Ingeborg; Wigenstad, Tore.
Evaluation of energy supply systems for passive house buildings. 4th Nordic Passive
house conference 2011; 2011-10-17 - 2011-10-19 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Wigenstad, Tore.
Double-skin facade technology for energy-efficient commercial building
refurbishment in Norway. 12th International conference on air distribution
in rooms, Roomvent 2011; 2011-06-19 - 2011-06-22 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Wigenstad, Tore.
Evaluering av bruk av dobbel fasade som konsept ved oppgradering av eksisterende
fasade Case: AØF Kongressenter Folkets Hus, Trondheim.
LECO avslutningsseminar; 2011-11-07 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Wigenstad, Tore.
Infiltration models and heat loss implications in office buildings. 12th International
conference on air distribution in rooms, Roomvent 2011;
2011-06-19 - 2011-06-22 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Wigenstad, Tore.
Shading system and daylight control in low energy office buildings in Norway. World
Sustainable Building Conference (SB11); 2011-10-18 - 2011-10-21 - NTNU
Haase, Matthias; Wyckmans, Annemie.
Master programme in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a zero emission built
environment – lessons learnt from the first year of teaching.
World Sustainable Building Conference (SB11); 2011-10-18 - 2011-10-21 - NTNU
Haavi, Thomas; Gustavsen, Arild.
Zero Emission Building Envelopes - Comparison of Different Wall Constructions in a
Life Cycle Perspective. 9th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics;
2011-05-29 - 2011-06-02 - NTNU
Haavi, Thomas; Gustavsen, Arild.
Zero Emission Building Envelopes - Comparison of Floor Constructions with
PCM,Wood and Concrete in a Life Cycle Perspective. CISBAT 2011;
2011-09-14 - 2011-09-16 - NTNU
Haavi, Thomas; Gustavsen, Arild; Cao, Sunliang; Uvsløkk, Sivert; Jelle, Bjørn Petter.
Numerical Simulations of a Well-Insulated Wall Assembly with Integrated Phase
Change Material Panels – Comparison with Hot Box Experiments.
International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and the Environment;
2011-03-23 - 2011-03-24 - NTNU
Haavi, Thomas; Murphy, Mark Allen; Frédéric, Kuznik; Gustavsen, Arild.
Zero Emission Building Envelopes - Numerical Simulations of a Well-Insulated
Building with Phase Change Material Panels Integrated in the Floor.
Building Simulation 2011; 2011-11-14 - 2011-11-16 - NTNU
Hakonsen, Finn.
”Le Cabanon” - the tectonics of wood.. ”precisions” - on Le Corbusier as artist, as
builder and as planner.; 2011-09-15 - 2011-09-16 - NTNU
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
Facilities Management research for practice in Norway - an overview and status.
CFM Nordic Conference; 2011-08-22 - 2011-08-23 - NTNU
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
Overview and Status of FM Research for Practice in Norway. Nordic Facilities
Management Conference; 2011-08-22 - 2011-08-23 - NTNU
Hansen, Geir Karsten; Blakstad, Siri Hunnes; Olsson, Nils.
Usability Reviewed. Summing up Norwegian research on usability.. CFM Nordic
Conference; 2011-08-22 - 2011-08-23 - NTNU
Hatleskog, Eli.
Architecture as a Framework for Action and Change: Community Participation
Strategies for Brøset, Trondheim.. World Sustainable Building
Conference (SB11); 2011-10-18 - 2011-10-21 - NTNU
Hatleskog, Eli.
BRØSET & ENGAGING PRACTICES: Community Participation Strategies Towards
Sustainable Living. Symposium on PhDs by Design;
2011-03-11 - 2011-03-11 - NTNU
Hatleskog, Eli.
Coffee Brick Experiments. The Urban Physic Garden; 2011-07-16 - 2011-07-22 - NTNU
Haugen, Tore I.
Arkitektur og kvalitet i omgivelser - Kunnskapsbehov og forskningsbehov - NTNU.
Dialogmøte Forskningsrådet ”Kunnskapsstatus og forskningsbehov i arkitektur”;
2011-05-30 - 2011-05-30 - NTNU
Haugen, Tore I.
Sustainability – Challenges for real estate development and facilities management (FM).
Erasmus exchange workshop - NTNU - Slovenia; 2011-05-10 - 2011-05-11 - NTNU
Haugen, Tore I.
Æresdoktor / doctor honoris causa NTNU; Kjetil Trædal Thorsen. NTNU Doctoral
degree awards cermony; 2011-05-24 - 2011-05-24 - NTNU
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
All buildings are still solar buildings. The Farrington Daniels Award Lecture.. ISES
Solar World Congress; 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02 - NTNU
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
FME-senteret ZEB - hva skjer?. Bransjedagen ved Senter for Eiendomsutvikling og
Forvaltning; 2011-11-10 - NTNU
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Future buildings - a response to climate change.. UiO jubileumsseminar;
2011-05-10 - NTNU