Since the 1960s, the Faculty has worked continuously to ensure a
better physical framework for its activities. In the wake of NTNU’s
campus project from 2006, we have prepared the concept outline
KAM (Art, Architecture, Music), where KiT is co-located with the
rest of the Faculty along with other communities in the arts and
aesthetic disciplines at NTNU: the Department of Music and the
Department of Art and Media Studies. KAM is located in Høyskole-
bakken, between Gløshaugen and St. Olav’s Hospital. It is dependent
on interaction with the Student Union. The project is based NTNU’s
campus plans and the TrondheimMunicipality’s plans for Trondheim
as a City of Culture and Education.
The Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art is led by the Faculty
Board and the Dean. It consists of an administration section, five
departments, and various programme councils and committees.
The administration and four of the departments are located on the
main campus of NTNU, Gløshaugen, while the fifth department,
the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, has its premises in Innher-
redsveien in central Trondheim. The current physical framework
of the Faculty cements the department structure and does little to
promote transparency, flexibility and interdisciplinary interaction.
The Faculty’s breadth and diversity entail a complex need for space.
This ranges from individual offices to large studios and rooms for
drawing, from secluded study areas to spacious and flexible areas
for interaction, communication, experimentation and testing.
A good and accessible infrastructure plays an important role in the
Faculty’s activities. Our students and staff currently have access
to university libraries, workshops, day lighting and room labora-
tories, as well as a digital laboratory, computer room and the Art
Academy’s exhibition areas. Access to NTNU’s resources and infra-
structure is an important element of our study programmes.
The Faculty emphasizes active participation of students and staff
through inclusive leadership and cooperation with the student
council and the employees’ organizations. The gender balance of
students at the Faculty is good, and the Faculty is working toward
increasing the proportion of women in academic posts. The Faculty
has a long and robust tradition of international mobility and recru-
itment of international students and staff. This helps to enrich the
Faculty’s cultural diversity, professional development and interna-
tional orientation.
Organization, Leadership and Resources
The Faculty’s organization, infrastructure and resources
will support the Faculty’s core activities and allow for con-
tinuity, coordination, transparency and strategic develop-
The Faculty will employ inclusive and clear-sighted leaders
with the ability to set goals, create enthusiasm, and contri-
bute to professional development.
The Faculty will have a generous and secure working envi-
ronment with broad participation from students and staff.
The Faculty’s information systems, administrative and
technical support functions will be adapted to our primary
activities and students’ learning needs.
Choices of direction
The Faculty, in cooperation with NTNU, will develop a phy-
sical and structural framework that enables cohesion of
the Faculty. This will contribute to identity development and
provide greater scope for growth and strategic develop-
ment at all levels.
We will strive for better and more effective cooperation,
information and transparency between the administra-
tive and academic leadership and other employees in the
We will strengthen communication between the Faculty
and department levels.
We will contribute our expertise to the management and
renewal of NTNU’s properties, with the goal being to
achieve a good and stimulating physical and architectural
We will provide a good working and learning environment
through the personal development of our employees,
health and safety work and gender equality.
We will develop a model for staff planning to achieve a bet-
ter balance of staff time and resources spent on teaching,
research and the arts.
We will recruit new employees based on our strategic
goals and priorities.