Page 17 - Strategi2011-2020Eng-web

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The Faculty’s programmes of study encompass architecture, art,
physical planning and real estate, and they are based on inter-
disciplinary cooperation. The learning outcomes are based on a
combination of project work based on intensive supervision, lear-
ning based on professional training, knowledge-based theoretical
subjects and development of the individual. Design as an expres-
sion, process, system, and reflection are central to all educational
activities at the Faculty.
The future will demand creativity. In our disciplines, we stimulate
our students to experiment, discover and innovate. The global
challenges related to sustainability, health, welfare, infrastructure,
energy, the environment, and the transformation of the existing
surroundings represent a new academic focus for future education.
These challenges require international cooperation and must build
on knowledge exchange, mutual professional development and
cultural cultivation.
Students are one of our most important resources. The academic
and educational development that takes place in the context of
our programmes of study is important to the Faculty’s research,
artistic activity and innovation. Central to this is the mutual learning
between students and supervisors.
The programmes of study at the Faculty are based on physical lear-
ning environments, such as laboratories and studios for drawing, as
well as on virtual learning forums such as the Internet and social
media. A very important part of the development in academic and
teaching skills takes place locally and globally in society, with full-
scale construction and experimentation, fieldwork, and students’
exploratory work, as well as acceptance of responsibility for one’s
own actions.
Education and learning environment
All education at the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art
will be characterized by its high international level in terms
of academic and teaching quality.
Our teaching methods will encourage students to reflect
critically on their own field of interest and increase interest
in research, artistic activity and innovation.
All teaching activities will be research-based and will
create ripple effects in the form of communication, innova-
tion, and development of external relations.
The Faculty will have motivated students who are recruited
nationally and internationally, and who can work across
disciplines and learning cultures.
Graduates from the Faculty will have relevant and recog-
nized expertise. They will be sought after nationally and
Choices of Direction
The Faculty will strengthen a holistic approach to educatio-
nal leadership and a culture of quality at the Faculty.
We will develop physical learning forums of high archi-
tectural quality and offer an inspiring and well-equipped
physical and social learning environment that promotes
teamwork, interdisciplinary cooperation, discovery and
We will update our portfolio of study programmes so
that it is relevant to the needs and challenges of society.
Examples of areas of expertise that are clearly provided
with inadequate service in society include physical plan-
ning, building processes, transformation, building preser-
vation, housing quality and sustainable architecture.
We will strengthen cooperation in teaching between the
visual arts, architecture and planning, through initiatives
including ”Art and Common Space”.
We will intensify cooperation with other faculties at NTNU
in disciplines relevant to the faculty’s teaching, including
the product design and the building communities in the
engineering programme, as well as cooperation with the
art communities in the humanities faculty.
We will improve our teaching through a focus on lifelong
learning, and through further development of our teaching
skills, building robust teaching teams and establishing a
more flexible course portfolio.
We will concentrate the selection of international partners
and increase the quality of international student exchange.
We will develop our teaching tradition further with
full-scale experimentation, prototype development and
cooperation with external partners who have problems for
us to solve.
We will develop students’ independence by facilitating
student-driven learning activities and entrepreneurship.