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Master of Science in Urban Ecological Planning
The master’s programme in Urban
Ecological Planning is primarily
designed to address the real,
on-the-ground, urban issues of the
developing and industrialising world
which is estimated to hold about 85%
of world’s population by 2050. While
the programme evolves constantly to
reflect the current challenges of
urbanisation, the core is to address
and re-analyse different local and
contextual urban planning issues in
an alternative manner that rests on
inclusionary, territorial, and
incremental methods of cognition.
Master of Science in Urban ecological
NEXT INTAKE: Autumn 2013 (intake only every
alternate year)
ADDRESS: Sentralbygg 1, 3 etg. Alfred Getz vei 3,
7491 Trondheim
E-MAIL: studadm
Associate Professor Rolee Aranya
Photo: NTNU
MSc UEP is an international program
primarily focused on the complex
interdependencies between people,
institutions and the built environment in
pursuit of equity, efficiency and sustai-
nability. Consequently, the program is
based on the following main theoretical
ww Theory of urban ecology derived from
the Chicago school of social ecology
combined with ideas from depen-
dency theory of development.
ww Livelihoods and entitlements ap-
proach to understanding poverty
ww Concepts of territorialism and a
focus on neighbourhoods as the
scale of planning
ww Informality in all its various dimen-
sions – spatial physical, economic
(livelihoods) and political economy
The study programme is intense through
its initial fieldwork based course. The
students form a «real team» in addres-
sing on local issues and opportunities.
The international students from develo-
ping countries are resource persons
with rich cultural backgrounds and
experiences from overpopulated urban
environments. The Nordic and European
students bring their societal context
of the welfare state, local governance
and environmental challenges of urban
centres. Together this makes a «fertile»
ground of exchange and learning.
Candidates with BSc / BEng / BA
degree, preferably in Urban Planning,
Architecture or Civil Engineering may
apply. Relevant work experience is also
considered important for selection and
admission. Applicants with a BA degree
in Social Sciences (e.g. Geography/
Economics/Statistics) may be considered
if the candidate has 2 to 5 years of
relevant work experience in Urban Plan-
ning. Candidates with only Bachelor’s
degree are given priority over candidates
with existing master’s degree during
selection. Final year students of relevant
Bachelor’s degree may apply.
Our past international students are
currently successfully placed in various
profiles across the globe. They have been
successful in getting jobs on their return
to their home country also. Many are
university teachers and researchers, and
many others are development profes-
sionals both in NGOs and government
service. Others are active as experts in
the private industry related to develop-
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
ww Knowledge and experience about ur-
ban dynamics of growth and margi-
nalization in cities of the developing
world with a focus on non-planned
neighbourhoods – both in urban
centers and the urban fringe.
ww Insight into the interrelationships
between livelihoods, tenure security
and urban upgrading in the context
of conflicting objectives of equity,
environmental sustainability and
economic growth.
ww Knowledge of planning for strategic
change and action at the local
level and linking strategic action
to networks of urban governance
and management for ‘scaling up’ of
development initiatives.
Abilities and skills
ww Competence in field based studies
of communities using participative
tools for planning strategic action in
multidisciplinary teams.
ww Independently planning and execu-
ting theoretically grounded academic
research on key substantive areas
of interest in the program and ana-
lysing empirical material gathered
from field studies.
ww Develop skills to engage with varied
stakeholders in the development
process and to engage communities
for planning strategic action at the
local level.