Page 9 - Welcome to IVT

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programmes at IVT, including implementation, recruitment and quality-promoting
measures. The section has an advisory function in connection with applications for
research grants from the EU and innovation-promoting measures. It also has a
coordinating function in connection with major cooperation agreements with
business and industry and other universities. There is close collaboration with the
Vice Dean for Research, and the section participates in initiatives and projects
related to the Faculty’s strategy and plan of action.
IT and Communication
The main responsibility of the IT&C-section is to ensure that the Faculty’s use of
information technology and communication is effcient and supports NTNU’s and the
Faculty’s strategies. Among other things this includes a responsibility for the section
to arrange for good external and internal communication in the organization. The
responsibility for student recruitment is placed with the ICT section and forms an
important part of the section’s communication activities.
See International Researcher Support for information on the practicalities of
moving to Norway and work at NTNU:
Innsida is NTNU’s intranet where you will fnd many useful tools. Log on with
your username and password. Se
HR-portalen is the main source of information regarding your employment.
Log in through Innsida; information is available both in English and Norwegian.
Pagaweb is the pay system at NTNU. The pay process is based on the
employees themselves entering personal information, travel expense bills,
overtime sheets, absence, etc. directly into the system. Log on through Innsida,
and please note that you must use a NTNU computer or a VPN client.