Dear new colleague,
Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering
Science and Technology! We are proud of
our faculty and happy to have you on our
team. The activities of the Faculty of
Engineering Science and Technology
(ITV) are part of NTNU’s main
profle within science and
technology. The faculty
offers a large number of
Master of Science
Programmes in Engine-
ering and several doctoral
programmes in Norway
and plays an important part
in providing relevant knowledge both
nationally and internationally.
The IVT Faculty offers a broad range
of subjects in engineering science,
and through high-quality research and
education produces new knowledge that
stimulates sustainability and innovation
in society. International excellence is
to be refected in the education offered
and in our research. We do our best to
secure increased resources and to
strengthen our laboratory-based
activities both in education and research.
The fve values emphasized in the
strategy documents of NTNU and IVT are
the following: creativity, constructive-
ness, critical attitude, respectfulness
and consideration. This implies that we
must dare to address ourselves to the
most challenging problems in science
and seek innovative solutions. We must
maintain an open and constructive
dialogue both internally and with the
outside world. We must base our work
on basic democratic values and
represent an unprejudiced and
independent voice. In addition, we must
show respect for different academic
traditions and disciplines and contribute
to diversity and equality in working life
as well as in our own activities.
The mission of the IVT Faculty is to
produce graduates and technological
solutions for the beneft of society
through education, research and