CenSES annual report 2013
56. Sørensen, Knut Holtan. What should we expect from public en-
gagement?. First Nordic STS conference; 2013-04-24 - 2013-04-26
57. Throndsen, William. Tracing constructions of users. The case of
smart grid technologies. Society for Social Studies of Science; 2013-
10-09 - 2013-10-12
58. Tomasgard, Asgeir. A stochastic model for analysing the future
European power system under a climate policy regime. Workshop
Edinburgh; 2013-03-01
59. Tomasgard, Asgeir. Capacity expansion using stochastic pro-
gramming with decision dependent uncertainties. ICSP XIII, Berga-
mo; 2013-07-08
60. Tomasgard, Asgeir. EMPIRE- modelling the future European pow-
er system under different climate policies. Joint modelling work-
shopCenSES and Cree; 2013-10-24
61. Tomasgard, Asgeir. Investment models and multi-horizon scenar-
io trees,. PhD winter shool, Tignes; 2013-04-10
62. Tomasgard, Asgeir. Nonconvex Generalized Benders Decompo-
sition for Stochastic Separable Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs.
University of Edinburgh; 2013-03-02
63. Tomasgard, Asgeir. Overview of energy system models at NTNU.
Tsinghua University; 2013-10-15
64. Tomasgard, Asgeir. Panel discussion with Ola Borten Moe, Connie
Hedegaard and Asgeir Tomasgard. Technoport talks; 2013-06-13
65. Tomasgard, Asgeir; Pichler, Alois. Investment models and
multi-horizon scenario trees using a time-consistent risk measure.
Workshop Vienna,; 2013-09-15
66. Valdes, Gerardo Alfredo Perez; Pages, Adela Bernaus; Tomasgard,
Asgeir. BFC Parallel Implemenation.. ICSP 2013; 2013-07-08 - 2013-
67. Valdes, Gerardo Alfredo Perez; Pages, Adela Bernaus; Tomasgard,
Asgeir. Parallel Branch and Fix Coordination with Decomposition
Schemes. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013; 2013-10-06 - 2013-10-09
68. Valdes, Gerardo Alfredo Perez; Steinle-Camargo, Luiz Armando;
Soares-Ramos, Dorel. Contract Portfolio Optimisation in the Brazilian
Energy System. EURO/INFORMS 2013; 2013-07-01 - 2013-07-04
69. Walnum, Hans Jakob. Four perspectives on rebound effects.
Presentation held in connection to the PhD-course “Interdisciplinary
understanding of macro rebound effects. How can we understand
and mitigate them” arranged by Aalborg University at the 15th of
70. Walnum, Hans Jakob. The rebound effect. The concept and some
examples from ICT. Presentation held at the workshop “Energy use
and cloud computing” in Sogndal 10. June 2013 arranged by Vest-
landsforskning. The presentation is available online: http://www.
71. Weaver, Tyson John. Norwegian energy regime dynamics. Theo-
ries of Sustainability Transitions; 2013-05-21 - 2013-05-25
72. Weaver, Tyson John. Offshore wind costs, profitability, and chal-
lenges to overcome moving forward. IEA Task Force 26: Costs of
wind energy; 2013-04-10 - 2013-04-10
73. Weaver, Tyson John. Regime dynamics and diversification of Nor-
wegian energy system incumbents. 3rd Asian Conference on Sus-
tainability, Energy, and the Environment; 2013-06-06 - 2013-06-09
74. Weaver, Tyson John. Strategic reorientation within the Norwe-
gian energy system. 5th Annual National Research School Confer-
ence; 2013-08-22 - 2013-08-23
75. Wicken, Olav. The problem of legitimacy of renewables in an en-
ergy exporting economy: Norway. The Role of Norway in Renewable
Europa; MILEN conference 2013-09-25 - 2013-09-25
76. Wicken, Olav; Andersen, Allan Dahl. Low-Carbon Infrastructures
and Systems of Innovation.. Globelics conference 2013; 2013-09-10
- 2013-09-13
77. Wicken, Olav; Andersen, Allan Dahl. No transition without trans-
mission? The role of infrastructure in innovation-system building
and transformation in the context of a pending low-carbon transi-
tion. IST Conference; 2013-06-19 - 2013-06-21
78. Zhonghua Su, Presentation of PhD project: equilibrium models
for energy systems, “Stochastic Multimod”, Tsinghua University,
“THU-NTNUWorkshop on Renewable and New Energy”, 15 - 17 Oc-
tober 2013.
79. Zhonghua Su, Presentation of PhD project: equilibrium models
for energy systems, “Stochastic Multimod”, TU Berlin, ”EnerTrain
2013Autumn School”, 7 - 11 October 2013
Dissemination and presentations for
1. Bakken, B.H: “Europeiske energiscenarier”, presented at STFK Net-
tverkssamling for realfagslærere, Trondheim, 13 March 2013
2. Bakken, B.H: “RA5 Energy Scenario Development,” presented at
CenSES User Meeting, Gardermoen, 6 November 2013
3. Bakken, B.H: “RA5 Energy Scenario Development,” presented at
RCN Site Visit, 20 September 2013
4. Bakken, B.H: “RA5 Scenario Development,” presented to CenSES
Board, Trondheim, 18 June 2013
5. Bakken, B.H: “Working with Energy Scenarios: Europe beyond
2020,” invited lecture at NorRen Summer School, Asker, 12 August
6. Egging, Ruud. CenSES meets CREE (presentation 1) Oslo Nov 26
7. Egging, Ruud. CenSES meets CREE (presentation 2), Oslo Nov 26
8. Erling Holden, Presentasjon av samarbeided CenSES og HiSF for
SFE sin konsernledelse, Sandane, 21. nov 2013
9. Eskeland, Gunnar. Farvel til den ideelle stat: Fremtidens kraft-
marked i Europa. Høstkonferansen: Fremtiden er Elektrisk; 2013-10-
30 - 2013-10-30
10. Eskeland, Gunnar. Lederskap og andre resultater i CenSES’ ar-
beidsområde Økonomisk Analyse. Brukermøte Censes; 2013-11-06
- 2013-11-06
11. Eskeland, Gunnar. Maritime Shipping: the last frontier?. World
Maritime Day on Contributions to Sustainable Development; 2013-
09-26 - 2013-09-26
12. Eskeland, Gunnar. The role of new constraints: the use of fossil
energy in this century. EnergiRike; 2013-06-21 - 2013-06-21