CenSES annual report 2012
ing on in the centre, build their research network
and broaden their perspective on energy research.
Master Education
We plan that 20-30 master students will write their
thesis for CenSES every year. In 2012 we had 26 stu-
dents writing their master thesis in CenSES and re-
lated prosjects.
Steven A. Gabriel - Professor II at NTNU
Professor Steven A. Gabriel at University of Mary-
land accepted in 2012 a 20 % professor position at
NTNU supported by CenSES and the National re-
search school in Business Economics and Adminis-
tration (NFB). Prof. Gabriel has been cooperating
with the CenSES group for many years in the LinkS
project (RA2 and RA5), and we are happy that he
will now also contribute to teaching and PhD su-
pervision. Prof. Gabriel is the lead author of the re-
cent book ‘Complementarity Modeling in Energy
Markets’ by Springer. He has published numerous
papers on modellling and analysing the energy sys-
tem using equlibrium models.
In Norway he will teach two compact (1 week) PhD
classes in equilibrium modelling and complemen-
tarity each year. The courses will be located at UMB,
PhD education
The goal of CenSES is to organize a multidiscipli-
nary PhD school to coordinate and strengthen the
education of the centre’s PhD candidates, but also
to attract PhD candidates outside CenSES and from
abroad. So far the strategy seem to have been suc-
essfull. CenSES has been able to recruit many new
and highly competent researchers from Norway
and abroad. In 2012 CenSES was involved in the ar-
rangement of 6 PhD courses.
nnovation and learning in energy policy:
new pathways to sustainability?
One of the PhD courses/workshops was held in
Trondheim in December and gathered about 30
researchers from Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland,
Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Austria.
They met for three days to discuss topics such as
the use of knowledge in the formulation of energy
policy, energy policy innovations, opportunities for
sustainable restructuring of the energy sector, and
the characteristics of innovations in energy policy.
Dr. Rob Raven from Eindhoven Technical University
held an inspiring lecture on ‘Transition policies for
sustainable energy innovations’ with concrete ex-
amples from the Netherlands and the United King-
dom. Professor Harald Rohracher from Linköping
University gave an interesting insight into how civil
society and NGOs have been seen as a key in shap-
ing energy policy through the ages, including the
use of examples from the bioenergy area.
PhD network
In addition to the 24 PhD students covered directly
over the CenSES FME budget, at the end of 2012
there were 24 candidates writing their PhD thesis
in related projects. These projects are either tightly
integrated with CenSES research areas or are on
related topics with CenSES researchers as senior
We have established a network for these PhD
candidates and the post docs counting around 60
people. The main advantages are that they get a
meeting place where they see other research go-
Prof. Gabriel teaching equlibrium modelling.
Photo: Asgeir Tomasgard