Page 24 - CenSES - Annual report 2012

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CenSES annual report 2011
EERA Joint program on Economic, Environ-
mental and Social Impacts of Energy Poli-
cies and Technologies
NTNU and SINTEF started in 2012 together with a
group of European partners to establish a joint pro-
gram on energy and social sciences within the Euro-
pean Energy Research Alliance (EERA). The purpose
of the joint program is to coordinate research within
European research institutes and universities. The
joint program will be approved in spring 2013 and
the following subprograms are defined:
- Public perception and engagement
- Analysis of policies and R&D choices
- A life cycle approach for evaluating the sustain-
ability performance of energy technologies
- Energy models for a system assessment of Euro-
pean low-carbon energy futures: markets, envi-
ronmental and economic impacts
- Sustainable low carbon platform
Other CenSES partners that participate in the EERA
Joint Program are IFE, Vestlandsforsking and Sogn
og Fjordane University College. NTNU and SINTEF
will coordinate the subprogram on Public percep-
tion and engagement.
Interational partners in the EERA Joint program are
among others: Technalia, DTU, Austrian Institute of
technology, UKERC, VTT, Aalborg University, Enea,
Vito and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. For
more info see
International cooperation
Asgeir Tomasgard
Photo: Tore Oksholen
with hydro power in the north. The cooperation in
Bergamo has led to ongoing work on several book
chapters on managing uncertainty in design and
operation of energy systems with intermittent gen-
Visiting professor
Director of CenSES, Professor Asgeir Tomasgard,
was invited as visiting professor both to Lancaster
University and to University of Bergamo in 2012.
He stayed at the managment school in Lancaster
under their Visiting Distinguished Scholar Scheme
for two weeks in January. The purpose was to ini-
tiate research cooperation, participate as a plenary
speaker at a workshop on stochastic modelling in
energy systems as well as giving lectures and a de-
partment seminar.
Tomasgard also visited Bergamo for a two week stay
in May. The purpose of this exchange was to initiate
cooperation on riskmanagment in long term invest-
ment models for energy infrastructure. Tomasgard
has cooperated with the research groups of profes-
sors Marida Bertcohi and Maria-Theresa Vespucci
for several years and they have among others stud-
ied integration of wind power in the south of Italy