CenSES annual report 2011
“User Cases” are defined to integrate research
activities across the 5 research areas. While the
research in RA1-RA5 has a time frame of 5-8 years,
these cases will be limited to a period of 1-2 years
and will be defined dynamically through the life
time of the centre.
Of course, cooperation with user partners also hap-
pens in the research areas directly, but a user case
focus on coordinating short term deliverables
within a spesific topic.
User Cases
The cases were selected after a process where
meetings with CenSES user partners were held in
Trondheim, Bergen, Oslo and Sogndal in 2011. Most
of CenSES user partners participated in these, athe
profile of the user cases were shaped by the pro-
cess. Other user cases will be started in 2013 and
2014 following a similar process.
The idea is that user cases will stimulate coopera-
tion, between researchers, and between user part-
ners and researchers.
In 2012 we had two usercases, with scheduled
finish in 2013:
Flexible Norwegian energy as a green
service to Europe
Energy efficiency improvements:
Missing in action?
As the renewable power sources play a greater role
in the European energy mix it increases the need
for a stable but flexible source to counter the un-
predictable nature of wind and solar power. In this
user case we focus on the potential for Norway to
provide such flexible services and act as a green
battery for Europe. The definition of a green battery
in this context includes energy production from re-
newable sources as well as natural gas. We include
both the export of energy directly as well as balanc-
ing services in our study.
Kjetil Midthun is the leader of this user case, based
on RA2. It is connected to research activities in RA3,
and cooperates with FME CEDREN on studies of en-
ergy storage and balancing energy.
The contents of the user case and a final report will
be presented at a Technoport Talks event in Trond-
heim at 13 June 2013. The objective of this session is
to discuss the optimal utilization of the Norwegian
hydro power and natural gas resources under differ-
ent European policy scenarios. The talks and follow-
ing report will provide a discussion of Norway´s role
when it comes to providing profitable, sustainable
and environmentally friendly solutions for the com-
ing decades.
Amainmotivation for this user case is to explore the
potential for utilizing:
- The inherent flexibility in the natural gas system
- Pumping of water at low electricity price
- The flexible operation of the Norwegian hydro
power system
Flexible Norwegian energy as a green service to Europe
From the user meeting in Bergen. Photos: Hallvard Lyssand.