CenSES annual report 2011
RA2 consists of four work packages:
- WP1: Modelling technologies and technology
- WP2: End use demand and energy efficiency
- WP3: Including new functionality in energy sys-
tem and market models
- WP4: Effects of global policy on national and
regional energy systems.
Research in 2012
A formal cooperation between CenSES and NCE
Smart regarding development of a common tech-
nology database was established in 2012. There is a
common understanding of the importance of reli-
able data sources, both for qualitative studies and
model based studies. A working group, involving
CenSES partners and NCE Smart, was established in
order to create a prototype database by the end of
2012. It will be based on the Green Energy Database
(GED) originally developed by NCE Smart. The GED
is a multi-purpose solution for storing and presen-
RA 2 Energy Systems and Markets
tation of energy and environmental related data.
The solution includes a versatile database for stor-
age of data frommultiple sources and an interactive
map-based client for retrieval and presentation of
data. The long-term goal of this activity is to create a
database that will be available for CenSES partners
in other research projects. In addition, the database
may also be open to the general public.
In 2012 we had many activities focusing on un-
derstanding different energy demand scenarios.
Among others we examined the impact of future
Norway is on track to reach the targets of the Eu-
ropean Union’s renewable energy directive in 2020
according to analysis done by Arne Lind at the In-
stitute for Energy Technology (IFE) in the model
The directive requires that by 2020 at least 67,5 %
of energy use in Norway should be from renewable
sources. Secondly, at least 10 % of the energy used
in the transportation sector should be renewable
by 2020.
TIMES-Norway is a model developed by IFE and
NVE (Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Di-
rectorate) to analyze the energy system until the
year 2050. The model divides the country into sev-
en regions and figures out the optimal portfolio of
investments in renewable energy to reach the na-
tional goals. By including a large number of param-
eters concerning production, use and price of en-
ergy the model is able to estimate the effect of the
renewable energy directive.
The model concludes that even with today’s
measures, including the electricity certificate sys-
tem, investments within wind power and hydro-
power will increase to a degree that Norway easily
should achieve a 67,5 % share renewable energy.
The researchers warn that the model may be too
optimistic concerning the volume of renewable
capacity and the speed of implementation. In the
transportation sector the goal will be reached by
creating incentives for more bio fuel and more
electric cars.
CenSES is also using other models for the energy
system. In the larger EU study on the energy shift
towards 2050 – EMF 28 – CenSES contributes in
Norway can reach renewable energy targets in 2020
Screenshot from the NCE Smart/CenSES technology database