Page 76 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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Plan of the designed benches and shelves
We tried to find a simple answer for the question of benches
and shelves. The most important thing was not to destroy the
clean design and the clarity of the structure. It therefore had an
obvious and simple solution to be found.
The inclination of the primary structure was the ideal back
support for the benches. We planned the connection in between
as a bypass construction. For the benches on the ground floor, it
was not necessary to build an additional uprights. We used the
same system for the shelves.
On site, we changed the plans a bit and instead of using the
bypass system, we mounted the columns for the benches in the
same layer as the primary construction.
On the observation platform, we attached the substructure to
the finished floorboards, instead of passing all the way through
to the main beams. In this solution, it was easier to mount the
floor boards.
To enable the storage of fire wood under the benches, we
scipped the cladding down to the bottom.
Furthermore, we gave up the extra seat backs, because we
discovered that the cladding on the outside of the primary
construction was more comfortable as our planned design.
benches and shelves