Page 62 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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Frame A
Frame B
Frame C
Frame D
Frame E
The frames
From the materials arrived we had about three days to complete
the fabrication of the trusses. On the wednesday we started
out measuring up and producing the templates for each of the
different elements in the frames.
Completing the templates we started the manufacturing. We
decided to complete one of the “A” frames, as a precaution to
make sure that everything actually fits together. When we saw
that things seemed to be good, we agreed to start fabricating
all the elements, part by part. That meant to make all the “a”
columns, then all the “b” columns etc. We needed to pick up the
pace, and when everybody had a certain task this really helped
us to make the process a lot quicker and easier.
After completing the work on the friday, we noticed a severe
difference between some of the frames. The angles seemed
wrong. Luckily the problems turned out to be solvable by drilling
a few new holes and adjusting the columns of three frames. On
the saturday the frames were shipped off to Rindal.
The frames were pre-fabricated in the workshop in Trondheim, and
shipped to the site in Rindal