Page 34 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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Different stages of the project
First step: use a system of construction
“Sensory walk”, Remy Poux, Festival des architectures vives,
montpellier, 2011
“a wooden folly”, rintala eggertsson finlande 1996
“milu”, venice biennale rintala eggertsson, 2010
-Using the reference to understand the system of construction
-Easiness of execution
-Lots of possibilities of forms
This place let the possibility to meet, to experiment and to
observe the birds. However, the project is closed, and the notion
of participation can be more important.
second step: create several spaces, look at Nature
-Start with a module more intime
-Reference: design sofa
-Find something of removable
-Use the different views to combine the elements and create
several spaces
-Observe and meet
The project is now open through Nature, but the all picture is too
close from the traditional house.
Last step: use the topography, different points of view
-Redefine modules and use the topography to put them together
at different levels
-Open the spaces
The project let the possibility to look at nature, to meet and
experiment thanks to the specific structure and the combination
of different spaces.
The roof could be used also as a plateform.
First step: use a system of construction
Cages a oiseaux