Page 24 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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Wall configurations
Step 1. Series of quick sketches
Flexible & sheltered viewing area
Step 2: Series of quick 3D spatial studies
View from north-east
The birdwatching tower is situated in the south east corner
of the small lake Igtjønna, close to the town centre of Rindal.
Circling the lake is a popular hiking path in summer, and
artificially lit cross country skiing path in winter. The area around
Igltjønna is part of a larger recreational area, the birdwatching
tower is part of the ongoing project “Kul-tur-sti”. Igltjønna is also
a mating place for some species of duck as well as the majestic
Crane-bird. This makes the area a popular spot for birdwatchers.
The main approach to the tower leads from the main path to the
south-east of the lake. Before arriving at the bird watching tower
the visitor walks a short distance through a small patch of pine
forest slightly elevated from the surrounding swampland.
The first element of the structure is a straight horizontal
boardwalk. The north side of the boardwalk is partly covered
with with a wall of vertical timber cladding, in addition the
boardwalk doubles as seating, and thereby creating a desirable
south facing sitting situation. The wall also acts as a visual
barrier between human activity and the area where the birds
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