Fakultet for arkitektur og billedkunst 2012
Acre Pacheco, Fernanda.
Density and Spatial Quality: High Density and Perceived Spatial Quality on the
Transition from Public to Private Spaces. I: SASBE 2012 4th CIB
International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environments Emerging
Economies Proceedings, 1st Edition Fubdacao de Desenvolvimento da UNICAMP
2012 Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil. Sao Paulo: Fundacao de Desenvolvimento da UNICAMP -
Funcamp 2012 ISBN 978-85-65823-05-0. s.469-476 NTNU
Angelo, Kine; Matusiak, Barbara; Fridell Anter, Karin.
Colour Shift Behind Modern Glazing. I: Conference Proceedings from AIC 2012
InterimMeeting: In Color We Live: Color and Environment.
Taipei: Hwa Kang Printing Works 2012 ISBN 978-986-86796-3-4. s.52-55 NTNU
Bianco, Lorenza; Goia, Francesco; Serra, Valentina.
Impact on thermal comfort of conventional and advanced glazed façades in office
buildings. I: Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on Building Energy and Environment(COBEE2012). Boulder: University of
Colorado 2012 ISBN 9780981688190. NTNU
Bjønness, Hans Christie.
Bhopal 2011 and beyond - building resilience through human rights and ’critical
discource ananlysis’ - facing ’continuous disaster’.. I: BHOPAL
2011 landscapes of memory. Trondheim: Institutt for byforming og planlegging,
NTNU 2012 ISBN 978-82-725-9121-1. NTNU
Bjønness, Hans Christie.
Post Disaster Struggle. Towards socially responsible urban conservation and
development. The case of Bhopal Gas Tragedy, India.. I: Paradigm
Shift in Heritage Protection: Tolerance for Change, Limits for Change. Firenze:
Edizioni Polistampa 2012 ISBN 978-88-596-1079-3. s.189-210 NTNU
Blakstad, Siri Hunnes; Hansen, Geir Karsten.
Can Usability Evaluations drive Innovation. I: DELIVERING VALUE TO THE
COMMUNITY - Proceedings of the Cape Town 2012 Joint CIB
W070, W092 & TG72 International Conference, held at the Graduate School of
Business, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa.. Cape
Town: Department of Construction Economics and Management, University of Cape
Town 2012 ISBN 978-0-620-50759-2. s.210-217 NTNU
Braathen, Martin.
A Cautionary Tale for Christmas. On the Built and the Thought in Carl-Viggo
Hølmebakk’s Crematorium Project in Asker.. I: Asker Mortuary and
Crematorium Architect: Carl-Viggo Hølmebakk. Pax Forlag 2012
ISBN 9788253035680. NTNU
Braathen, Martin.
Introduction: Into the Archives of a Relational Realism. I: Helen & Hard: Relational
Design. Hatje Cantz Verlag 2012 ISBN 978-3-7757-3134-8. s.9-26 NTNU
Braathen, Martin.
Rutenettets fortsettelse: Naturen, Kvadraturen og Sørlandsparken. I: Game of life.
Etter rutenettet. Kristiansand: Kristiansand Kunsthall 2012
ISBN 9788299907408. s.143-153 NTNU
Cold, Birgit.
Steds- og arkitekturevaluering. I: Norsk miljøpsykologi. Oslo: SINTEF Akademisk
forlag 2012 ISBN 978-82-536-1283-6. s.81-115 NTNU
Farkas, Klaudia; Frontini, Francesco; Maturi, Laura; Roecker, Christian;
Scognamiglio, Alessandra; Zanetti, Isa.
Photovoltaic technologies. I: Solar Energy systems in Architecture - Integration
Criteria and Guidelines. 2012 s.83-200 NTNU
Favoino, Fabio; Goia, Francesco; Perino, Marco; Serra, Valentina.
Experimental assessment of the energy performance of an advanced responsive
multifunctional façade module. I: Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Building Energy and Environment(COBEE2012). Boulder:
University of Colorado 2012 ISBN 9780981688190. NTNU
Finocchiaro, Luca.
+hytte. A versatile construction system for climate adaptability.. I: Long Lasting
Building in Urban Transformation. Beijing: House China 2012
ISBN 978-962-7757-09-2. s.16-25 NTNU
Finocchiaro, Luca; Dokka, Tor Helge; Gustavsen, Arild.
+Hytte. A Versatile Construction System for Zero Emission Buildings. I: ZEMCH 2012
Conference proceedings. Glasgow: ZEMCH Network 2012
ISBN 978-0-9574189-0-5. s.364-376 NTNU
Fridell Anter, Karin; Klaren, Ulf; Haggstrom, Cecilia; Matusiak, Barbara.
COLOUR. I: PROCEEDINGS of CIE 2012 „Lighting
Quality and Energy Efficiency”. Kegelgasse 27, A-1030 Vienna, Austria: Commision
Internationale De L’eclairage CIE Central Bureau 2012 ISBN 978-3-902842-42-8.
s.264-274 NTNU
Frigstad, Gard Olav.
Tilforlatelig og fordektig = Trustworthy and devious. I: The fog. Lyon: Galerie Roger
Tator 2012 KHIO NTNU
Hakonsen, Finn.
Essay : I samtale med treet.. I: 5 x 5 learning in real life scale.Building a sauna in
Rindal. NTNU trykk: NTNU trykk 2012 ISBN 978-82-7551-081-
3. s.22-29 NTNU
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
Overview and Status of FM Research for Practice in Norway. I: Facilities Management
Research in the Nordic Countries. Past, Present and Future. Polyteknisk Boghandel
og Forlag 2012 ISBN 9788750210337. s.32-49 NTNU
Hansen, Geir Karsten
Partnerships in FM. Chapter introduction. I: Facilities Management Research in the
Nordic Countries. Past, Present and Future. Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag 2012
ISBN 9788750210337. s.216 NTNU
Hansen, Geir Karsten; Blakstad, Siri Hunnes; Olsson, Nils.
Usability Reviewed: Summing up Norwegian research on Usability. I: Facilities
Management Research in the Nordic Countries. Past, Present and Future.
Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag 2012 ISBN 9788750210337. s.173-186 NTNU
Hart, Robert; Misiopecki, Cezary; Gustavsen, Arild; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Arasteh,
Impacts of Operating Hardware on Window Thermal Performance. I: Proceedings of
the Building Enclosure Science & Technology (BEST 3 -2012). 2012 NTNU SINTEF
Hatleskog, Eli.
BRØSET: Diaries from a Live Case in Carbon Neutrality. I: Trans 20 Relevanz. vdf
Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich 2012 ISBN 9783856762995. s.110-117 NTNU
Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Gustavsen, Arild; Baetens, Ruben.
Innovative High Performance Thermal Building Insulation Materials - Today’s State-
of-the-Art and Beyond Tomorrow. I: Proceedings of the Building Enclosure Science &
Technology (BEST 3 - 2012). 2012 NTNU SINTEF
Junghans, Antje; Jensen, Per Anker.
Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag 2012 ISBN 9788750210399. s.3-3 NTNU
Junghans, Antje; Olsson, Nils.
Cape Town 2012 Joint CIB W070, W092 & TG72 International Conference, held at the
Graduate School of Business, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa.. Cape Town:
Department of Construction Economics and Management, University of Cape
Town 2012 ISBN 978-0-620-50759-2. s.115-121 NTNU
Klungseth, Nora Johanne; Blakstad, Siri Hunnes.
The Silent Army: A Story From Practice. I: DELIVERING VALUE TO THE COMMUNITY
- Proceedings of the Cape Town 2012 Joint CIB W070, W092 & TG72 International
Conference, held at the Graduate School of Business, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town,
South Africa.. Cape Town: Department of Construction Economics and Management,
University of Cape Town 2012 ISBN 978-0-620-50759-2. s.711-720. NTNU
Larssæther, Stig.
Planning for sustainability. The case of Brøset. I: Beyond Consumption Pathways to
Responsible Living. Berlin, Germany: Technical University of Berlin 2012
ISBN 978-82-7671-867-6. NTNU
Lauvland, Gro.
The ”Recurrence” of the Baroque in Architecture: Giedion and Norberg-Schulz´s
Different Approaches to Constancy and Change.. I: Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference of the European Architectural History Network.. Koninklijke
vlaamse academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en kunsten 2012
ISBN 9789065691026. s.429-435 NTNU
Möller, Regina.
”Es beißt, kratzt und zwickt … ” by Regina Möller in: exhibition catalogue: Susanne
Neuburger (ed.) ”Reflecting Fashion. Kunst und Mode seit der Moderne”, published
by Walther König and MuMoK (Museum of Modern Art Vienna), Vienna, 2012. Vienna /
Cologne: Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln 2012 (ISBN 978-3-86335-213-4) 160 s.