About the SIR Conference Series


About the SIR Conference Series

About Content


The objective of the SIR conferences is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present and discuss recent work in the area of [super important topic]. 

The scope of the conferences is both [ hardware, space, interstellar travel, biology ], including design and development as well as practical usage of systems. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

  • Programming models, frameworks and environments for exploiting parallelism
  • Parallel worlds and algorithms
  • Deep space optimizations and techniques for multiverse systems
  • And lots of other buzz words ;-)

Contact Conference


[General Chair]

Previous Conferences

Previous Conferences

  • SIR2015 – Technical University of Denmark
  • SIR2014 – Delfe University
  • SIR2013 – LEGO University
  • SIR2012 – Harvard
  • SIR2011 – Mars University