Research at the Department of Historical Chemistry

Research at the Department of Historical Chemistry

Research groups

Research groups

Applied Theoretical Chemistry

A theoretical chemist is a person who wants to understand the structure, movement and reactions of molecules. In applied theoretical chemistry, we want to find equations and quantitative measures for what we observe.

Environmental and Analytical Chemistry

We study the behaviour of chemical compounds in nature - air, water, soil and food chains. Much of this work is related to pollution from local sources - further distributed globally.

Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds and organic materials. Organic compounds form the basis of all earthly life, and they are used in a range of products such as fuels, plastics, pharmaceuticals, food, explosive materials, and paints

PhD Studies

PhD studies

Supervised doctorates are the highest degrees awarded by the University for research, which is carried out under the immediate supervision of staff members. The education and training provided in these degree programmes are designed to produce graduates who have the capacity to conduct independent research that is both original and of high international quality.

PhD Programme in Chemistry

Vacant positions at NTNU

Instituttmal research projects

Research projects

EU projects

Our FP7, Horizon 2020 (H2020), and EEA projects
Project Description Framework Contact
selfBACK A decision support system for self-management of low back pain H2020
2016 – 2020
Agnar Aamodt
UMI-Sci-Ed Exploiting Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things to promote STEM Education H2020
2016 – 2019
Monica Divitini
SOCRATIC SOcial CReATive IntelligenCe Platform for achieving Global Sustainability Goals H2020
2016 – 2019
Letizia Jaccheri
TULIPP Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Processing Platforms H2020
2016 – 2019
Magnus Jahre
CADENT Competitive Advantage for the Data-driven Enterprise H2020
2016 – 2018
John Krogstie
READEX Energy-efficient high-performance exascale computing H2020
2015 – 2018
Magnus Jahre
CloudLightning Self-organizing heterogeneous clouds H2020
2015 – 2018
Anne C. Elster
HaBiT Harvesting big text data for under-resourced languages EEA
2014 – 2017
Björn Gambäck
Hepatocellular carcinoma stratification based on noninvasive markers EEA
2014 – 2017
Pål Sætrom
Ocean-Certain Impact of climatic and non-climatic factors on oceanic food production FP7
2013 – 2017
Pinar Özturk
AMIDST Automated analysis of massive data streams FP7
2013 – 2016
Helge Langseth
PRESIOUS Degradation assessment and restoration and of cultural heritage objects FP7
2013 – 2015
Theoharis Theoharis

Instituttmal research NFR projects

Norwegian projects

Research Council of Norway (NFR) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) projects
Abbreviation Project Framework Contact
  Measuring and Understanding Visual Appearance NFR
2016 – 2021
Jon Yngve Hardeberg
SoS-Agile Vitenskaplig sikkerhet i smidig utvikling NFR
2015 – 2020
Pekka Abrahamsson
CCSF-Quality Definere nye kromatiske kontrast sensitivitetsfunksjoner for bedre kvalitetsbedømmelse og kvalitetsforbedring NFR
2016 – 2019
Seyed Ali Amirshahi
FUTURE LEARNING​ Orchestrating 21st Century Learning Ecosystems using Analytics​ NFR
2016 – 2019
Michail Giannakos
EduApp4Syria Innovation competition NORAD
2016 – 2019
Alf Inge Wang
IQ-MED Image Quality enhancement in MEDical diagnosis, monitoring and treatment NFR
2015 – 2019
Marius Pedersen
SOCRATES Self-Organizing Computational substRATES
(Phase 1)
2017 – 2018
Gunnar Tufte
  Anbefalingsteknologi NFR
2015 – 2018
Jon Atle Gulla
Agile 2.0 Next generation agile development methods NFR
2014 – 2019
Torgeir Dingsøyr
Epi++ Programmable epigenetics NFR
2014 – 2017
Pål Sætrom
ExiBiDa Exploring New Dimensions in Big Data NFR
2013 – 2018
Kjetil Nørvåg
HyPerCept Color and Quality in higher dimensions NFR
2013 – 2017
Jon Yngve Hardeberg
NORHED Linguistic Capacity Building NORAD
2013 – 2017
Björn Gambäck
SUSS Agile development of safety-critical software NFR
2013 – 2017
Tor Stålhane
  Spectral and 3D Image Fusion for Enriched Visualization of Cultural Heritage Assets NFR
2016 – 2017
Marius Pedersen



Professor Agnar AamotHead of research at the Department of Historic Chemistry
