
RFEL3080 - Scientific Research Seminar in Natural Resource Management

Om emnet


Vurderingsordning: Mappevurdering
Karakter: Bestått/ Ikke bestått

Vurdering Vekting Varighet Delkarakter Hjelpemidler
Mappevurdering 100/100

Faglig innhold

This course is composed of group work, and guest lectures and seminars by researchers from academia as well as by representatives from institutions working with natural resource management outside academia. The course runs during the entire master programme. The main goal of this course is to give the students with background within the fields of ecology and geography an interdisciplinary overview and acquaintance of current topics within sustainable management of natural resources. Each student will give two presentations of their master projects, the first one early in the study to discuss the scientific plan, the other one late in the study to discuss the results and interpretations of the student's project. The course also includes group work where the students prepare their presentations and seminars where specific topics will be presented. Group work and seminars require active contributions from the participants. During the course the students will also get aquanted with representatives from work life outside academia. Training is offered in identification of own competences within their disciplin related to work life and how to find their first position after graduation



The candidate will have:

  • Thorough understanding of scientific processes and use of relevant models, methods and analysis techniques
  • Understanding of relevant current natural resource management questions.
  • Understanding of how they can use their education in contributing to development of sustainable natural resource management


The candidate knows how to:

  • Present a scientific project,
  • Formulate of project goals, hypotheses and discussion in a scientific project
  • Critically evaluate own work
  • Critically analyse and discuss scientific materials/presentations

General qualifications

The candidate knows how to:

  • work both independently and in collaboration with others, including interdisciplinary teams
  • communicate research results to specialists and to a broader audience through oral presentations in English
  • contribute to knowledge within their specialization
  • actively participate in discussions about natural resource management

Læringsformer og aktiviteter

Seminars and lectures: ca 50 hours each year, mandatory participation

Group work: ca 15 hours per year, mandatory participation

Teaching will be in English.

Obligatoriske aktiviteter

  • Obligatorisk oppmøte
  • Presentations

Mer om vurdering

More detail about the contents of the portfolio will be given through Blackboard at the start of the semester. All parts of the portfolio must be approved for the student to pass the course. To pass, 2 presentations must be approved and at least 75% attendance at group work and seminars is obligatory.

Spesielle vilkår

Krever opptak til studieprogram:
Natural Resources Management (MSNARM)


Admitted participant in Master of Science in Natural Resources Management

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Fakta om emnet

Versjon: 1
Studiepoeng:  7.5 SP
Studienivå: Høyere grads nivå


Termin nr.: 1
Undervises:  HØST 2024

Termin nr.: 3
Undervises:  HØST 2024

Termin nr.: 2
Undervises:  VÅR 2025

Termin nr.: 4
Undervises:  VÅR 2025

Undervisningsspråk: Engelsk

Sted: Trondheim

  • Naturressursforvaltning
  • Biologi
  • Geografi
  • Geologi
  • Kjemi
  • Samfunnsøkonomi
  • Sosialantropologi
  • Sosiologi
  • Statistikk
  • Statsvitenskap
Emneansvarlig/koordinator: Faglærer(e):

Ansvarlig enhet
Institutt for biologi


Vurderingsordning: Mappevurdering

Termin Statuskode Vurdering Vekting Hjelpemidler Dato Tid Eksamens- system Rom *
Vår ORD Mappevurdering 100/100
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
  • * Skriftlig eksamen plasseres på rom 3 dager før eksamensdato. Hvis mer enn ett rom er oppgitt, finner du ditt rom på Studentweb.

For mer info om oppmelding til og gjennomføring av eksamen, se "Innsida - Eksamen"

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