
RAD6505 - Lederutvikling og organisasjonsendring

Om emnet

Undervises ikke studieåret 2024/2025

Faglig innhold

Note: This course is in English (and therefore the text below is also only in English).

Today's leaders are expected to exercise leadership in dynamically changing environments. How can one work to develop leadership skills and have a larger repertoire of actions so that one is better able to meet this type of requirement?

This course is designed to enable optimal development of these leadership skills. To achieve this, students are required to participate in structured online learning activities (readings, video lectures, reflections, and group discussion forums) on a regular basis also between the online course gatherings. This ensures adequate preparation for the online course gatherings, where the focus is on small group work building on the online learning activities and individual 360 feedback students will receive.


  • Leadership dimensions.
  • Leadership development for oneself and others.
  • Methods for revealing reactive triggers related to limiting beliefs that affect leadership effectiveness.
  • Communication skills for organizational change.



The student will have;

  • research-based knowledge of new concepts for leadership and creating change in organizations
  • advanced knowledge of how effective leadership can be put into practice


The student will be able to;

  • based on advanced knowledge, realize effective leadership
  • assess and develop strategies for personal leadership development
  • use advanced methods to detect reactive triggers
  • facilitate relational change processes in organizations

General competence:

The student

  • understands advanced knowledge of leadership development and can implement learning from the course in one's own work situation

Læringsformer og aktiviteter

The course is run online, through a combination of three half day zoom sessions, a full day zoom session, 90 minutes of individual learning mentoring and the completion of a set of individual micro-learning modules that cover all of the lectures related to the curriculum as well as additional activities.

Meeting 1: Half day, on zoom. This session will orient students to the course learning goals and activities, including; building our learning community, the use of a micro-learning platform, and preparing for a 360 leadership assessment.

Between meetings 1 and 2: Individual self-paced work through online micro-learning activities, including; video lectures, curriculum readings, answering reflective questions, online course learning community discussions and completing the 360 leadership assessment.

Meeting 2: Half day, on zoom. This session will involve students receiving their leadership assessment reports, discussing the results and preparing for individual learning mentoring to debrief this.

Between meetings 2 & 3: Individual debriefing of the 360 leadership assessment. Further online work to support reflection and understanding of the leadership assessment.

Meeting 3: Half day, on zoom. Group reflections on the leadership assessment and online exercises to create deeper awareness of one’s own triggers and ongoing developmental work. Participants must also plan a task they are to perform at their own workplace in the period leading up to the last meeting and prepare a video creatively representing their experience to share in the last class.

Between meetings 3 & 4: Prepare for between class practical application of learning in the workplace. Individual self-paced work through online micro-learning activities, including; video lectures, curriculum readings, answering reflective questions and online course learning community discussions.

Meeting 4: Full day on zoom. Sharing of videos and discussion about experiences from working with the tasks at your own workplace. Group discussions and reflections to integrate the course experience.

Mandatory activities:

Completion of tasks:

  • 360 leadership assessment
  • Individual micro-learning activities
  • Workplace application of learning
  • Video representing learning in the workplace
  • Attendance at zoom meetings (minimum 80%)

Obligatoriske aktiviteter

  • Øvinger
  • Oppmøte på samlinger

Mer om vurdering

Same form of assessment for postponed exams.

Spesielle vilkår

Krever opptak til studieprogram:
Organisasjon og ledelse (MORG)
Videreutdanningsemner i organisasjon og ledelse (MORGEMNER)


Opptakskrav/forkunnskapskrav/adgangsbegrensning: Jf.opptakskrav til emner i masterprogrammet i organisasjon og ledelse. Emnet er adgangsbegrenset, og rangeringsregler gjelder iht. studieplanens generelle del.

Flere sider om emnet


Fakta om emnet

Versjon: 1
Studiepoeng:  7.5 SP
Studienivå: Videreutdanning høyere grad



Undervisningsspråk: Engelsk

Sted: Trondheim

  • Organisasjon og ledelse
  • Pedagogikk
  • Rådgivning
  • Samfunnsvitenskapelige fag


  • * Skriftlig eksamen plasseres på rom 3 dager før eksamensdato. Hvis mer enn ett rom er oppgitt, finner du ditt rom på Studentweb.

For mer info om oppmelding til og gjennomføring av eksamen, se "Innsida - Eksamen"

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