Emne - Introduksjon til polymer kompositt - MASG2105
MASG2105 - Introduksjon til polymer kompositt
Om emnet
Undervises ikke studieåret 2024/2025
Vurderingsordning: Skriftlig skoleeksamen
Karakter: Bokstavkarakterer
Vurdering | Vekting | Varighet | Delkarakter | Hjelpemidler |
Skriftlig skoleeksamen | 100/100 | 4 timer | C |
Faglig innhold
Plastics and the historical development of composites. -Polymer chemistry with Tg, polymerization and elasticity. -Fibers and core materials. -Mechanical properties of plastics and composites. -Applications for plastic and composite. -Standard testing of plastic and composite. -Different production processes for plastic and composite products.
Knowledge: Students should: - be able to show broad knowledge and understanding of polymeric materials and the use of reinforcements in these (fibers and core materials) - be able to explain the concept of monomer, polymer and plastic - be able to explain the concept of glass conversion temperature (Tg) and explain kinetic and thermodynamic theories for Tg - be able to explain the properties and phases of polymeric materials by changing temperature - be able to explain the concept of degree of polymerization, Tg and be able to describe the hierarchical structure of the degree of polymerization of different polymers - be able to explain the concept of viscoelasticity of mixing two materials (rule of mixture) - be able to summarize the most common polymers and some areas of application for these. Skills: The student should be able to: - be able to demonstrate the most common standardized tests for polymeric materials - be able to build a simple structure in composite in the laboratory - be able to argue objectively and systematically and exercise source criticism (ethics) - be able to process and convey the subject matter in an independent way both written and oral - know «basic programming skills» (digitization) - be able to use digital collaboration tools (digitization) - know innovation, innovation and entrepreneurship (innovation) General competence: Students must: - be able to exchange information and experiences with others to be able to plan and carry out a project with phases and milestones. - knows group processes and can carry out projects in teams.
Læringsformer og aktiviteter
Excursions, lectures, group work, lab exercises, web-supported learning. Mandatory work requirements are completion of 1 laboratory exercises with the submission of 1 lab report. A selection of lectures is streamed, and recordings are made which are subsequently linked up from the learning platform. Furthermore, pre-recorded video lectures are used as a supplement. Guidance is carried out both synchronously using tools such as Collaborate (practice hours) and asynchronously using forums. There must be a plan for this on the learning platform. There will be 1 collection for online students. There will be 7 work requirements that must be approved in order to sit for the exam. Planned time consumption for a 7.5 ECTS course: Lectures: 40 hours Organized supervision: 10 hours Work with compulsory assignments: 60 hours Self-effort: 90 hours TOTAL: 200 hours
Ved færre enn 6 studenter påmeldt vil emnet foregå som et selvstudium med veiledning.
Obligatoriske aktiviteter
- Obligatoriske arbeidskrav
Mer om vurdering
New postponed written exam in August.
Anbefalte forkunnskaper
MASG2100 Materials Technology
Stated at the start of studies
Emnekode | Reduksjon | Fra | Til |
TEK2012 | 7.5 | HØST 2019 |
Versjon: 1
7.5 SP
Studienivå: Videregående emner, nivå II
Undervisningsspråk: Engelsk
Sted: Gjøvik
- Materialer og bearbeiding - plastteknologi
Ansvarlig enhet
Institutt for vareproduksjon og byggteknikk
Vurderingsordning: Skriftlig skoleeksamen
- Termin Statuskode Vurdering Vekting Hjelpemidler Dato Tid Eksamens- system Rom *
- Vår ORD Skriftlig skoleeksamen 100/100 C 26.05.2025 15:00 INSPERA
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater M438 Eksamensrom 4.etg, Inngang D Mustad, Inngang D 44 - Sommer UTS Skriftlig skoleeksamen 100/100 C INSPERA
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
- * Skriftlig eksamen plasseres på rom 3 dager før eksamensdato. Hvis mer enn ett rom er oppgitt, finner du ditt rom på Studentweb.
For mer info om oppmelding til og gjennomføring av eksamen, se "Innsida - Eksamen"