Emne - Advanced Project Work - IMT4894
IMT4894 - Advanced Project Work
Om emnet
Vurderingsordning: Project work/Report
Karakter: Bokstavkarakterer
Vurdering | Vekting | Varighet | Delkarakter | Hjelpemidler |
Project work/Report | 100/100 | ALLE |
Faglig innhold
The Advanced Project Work topic is to be chosen in consultation with supervisor.
A list of topics will be introduced to the students at the beginning of the semester.
Students will work with a selected supervisor in the process of defining scientific and research-based problem, formulating a research case, identifying research questions, conducting a literature search, and selecting appropriate scientific methods. If needed, they will also establish contact with project stakeholders for the implementation of the project.
Additionally, students will learn and experience documentation of the project resutls to produce the final report. This research plan will normally serve as the foundation for their master's thesis in the subsequent semester.
Se engelsk versjon.
After completing the course, the students:
- Developed the knowledge to formulate a research problem and approach it scientifically for its implementation using right methodology
- Have gained thorough knowledge of professional and scientific theory and methodology in the chosen field and will be capable of conducting an Research and Development (R&D) project in the area.
Skills: The students have obtained practical experience in conducting such an R&D project and in documenting the results in a scientific manner.
General competence: The students have developed a positive attitude towards working in an academic and problem-focused manner.
Læringsformer og aktiviteter
- Project work - Supervision, working on a selected topic by the supervision of a researcher in the field.
- This course requires carrying out an individual project.
- The course is carried out as a combination of presentations, meeting with supervisors, and self-study. The students will develop, present, and discuss research problems with the appropriate case, use of methods, and theory. In most cases, the advanced project work will serve as the background for the master thesis.
- Group &/ individual meetings will be organised to share information and follow the progress of the project
Mer om vurdering
- Final assessment is based on the submitted report. More information will be shared in the beginning of the semester
- No re-sit offered. The course has to be done in the following semester and evaluated separately.
Spesielle vilkår
Krever opptak til studieprogram:
Applied Computer Science (MACS)
Anbefalte forkunnskaper
At least one elective course
IMT4110 Scientific Methodology and Communication or similar. The course is offered to second year MACS and COSI students
It is recommended that students have a good understanding of all first year’s subjects in their master program.
This is a project based course and material is different for each student based on the project they have chosen. This will be discussed at the beginning of the semester.
Several information meetings will be conducted based on the need from the students.
Emnekode | Reduksjon | Fra | Til |
IMT5251 | 5.0 | HØST 2017 |
Versjon: 1
7.5 SP
Studienivå: Høyere grads nivå
Termin nr.: 1
Undervises: HØST 2024
Termin nr.: 1
Undervises: VÅR 2025
Undervisningsspråk: Engelsk
Sted: Gjøvik
- Informatikk
Vurderingsordning: Project work/Report
- Termin Statuskode Vurdering Vekting Hjelpemidler Dato Tid Eksamens- system Rom *
Project work/Report
23:59 -
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater - Vår ORD Project work/Report 100/100 ALLE INSPERA
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
- * Skriftlig eksamen plasseres på rom 3 dager før eksamensdato. Hvis mer enn ett rom er oppgitt, finner du ditt rom på Studentweb.
For mer info om oppmelding til og gjennomføring av eksamen, se "Innsida - Eksamen"