Om tidskriften

The OPEN ACCESS publication channel Dance Articulated engages research that offers momentum to future dialogues and community building within dance. The journal aims to increase the publication opportunities for researchers in the fields of dance, dance education, and choreography, stimulating the sharing of such research and contributing to new networks and new readers of research in dance, dance education, and choreography.

Dance Articulated mainly publishes peer-reviewed research articles, but also editorials and selected reviews. From 2020 Dance Articulated is published by NTNU Open Access Journals. In the period 2015-19 the journal had the name På Spissen forskning and was published by Norske Dansekunstnere.

The editorial board wishes to:

  • deliver contemporary and cutting-edge research on a broad range of topics related to dance, dance education, and choreography through Special Issues on urgent research themes, suggested by the editorial board or guest editors.
  • strengthen the possibilities for research publications within a broad field related to dance, dance education, and choreography internationally.
  • stimulate to increased visibility of research on a broad field of dance, dance education and choreography
  • contribute to new networks of writers and readers on a broad field of dance, dance education and choreography

Aims and Scope

The aims and scope of Dance Articulated are:

  • To present contemporary and cutting edge practice-led, artistic, or theory driven research connected to dance, dance education, and choreography.
  • To stimulate to a stronger connection between practice and theory, and to generate new theory in the field of dance, dance education, and choreography.
  • To document and share experiences within dance research nationally and internationally.
  • To stimulate the development of concept building and an academic writing tradition that conveys embodied experiences and expressions of dance.
  • To contribute to global networking on within a broad field of dance research.
  • To highlight specific themes connected to dance research as suggested by the editorial board or guest editors.

Section Policies


Open Submissions


Peer Reviewed


Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Research Articles

  • Articles shall have a clear focus that relates to the aims and scope of Dance Articulated as stated above.
  • Languages that can be used are English, Norwegian, Swedish or Danish. British English should be used.
  • The author should submit:

- The article in full format, inclusive of reference list, maximum 8000 words. A figure counts as 200 words. 

- A short abstract of maximum 200 words in the language used in the article + a short abstract of 200 words in English if the language of the article is Norwegian, Swedish or Danish.

- A separate page with name of the author + a biography of 100 words in English, and in  Norwegian, Swedish or Danish if that is the language used in the article.



  • European standard paper size, A4 210 x 297 mm.
  • Times New Roman size 12.
  • 1,5 line spacing in all parts of the text, including qutations and reference list.
  • Separate sections within the text with double spacing (press space key twice).
  • Never use big letters in titles.
  • Never use underlining in any parts of the text.
  • Divide the text with the use of subtitles that propel the text forwards.
  • If you need one more level of subtitles, make these cursive, not bold.
  • Use Times New Roman size 14, bold, on main title. Use Times New Roman size 12, bold, on subtitles. Use Times New Roman size 12, cursive not bold, on next level of subtitles (if this level is needed). Like this:

Main title
Subtitles next level

  • Put the author name below the main title with one line spacing (press space key once). After the author name, press space key twice before start of the main text.
  • Press the space key twice before each new subtitle, and once after.
  • Format titles of books, journals and art work with cursive.
  • Use 1cm margin on each side.
  • Mark page number in the lower right corner.


Photos and Illustrations:

  • Use only photos and illustrations that you are permitted to use by the copyright holders. Authors are responsible for the use of photos/illustrations.
  • Accredit photographer/artist, name of performance and of dancers/actors.
  • Mark where the photos/illustrations should be included in the text, and attach them as separate digital attachments (JPG, TIFF, PNG), all with minimum 300 dpi resolution.
  • Links to video material in the article text are welcome.


  • Use the APA 7thmanual for references in the text and for reference list.
  • Use an author’s first name the first time s/he is referred to within the actual text. Do not use an author’s first name if a reference is referred to only in parenthesis.
  • Do not use footnotes, but endnotes. Use the automatic endnote system in the word program. Endotes should be used to a minimal extent, and no meaning-bearing content should be included in endnotes.
  • Direct quotes less than 2 sentences should be written into the current text and marked with quotation marks.
  • Direct quotes longer than 2 sentences should be marked as an own paragraph with indentation. Use the tab key twice and use Times New Roman size 10. Do not use quotation marks, not cursive text.
  • If choreographers, companies and art works are mentioned in the text, these should be credited in a separate reference list after the written references. This list should be titled for example "Choreographers mentioned in the text".

Research ethical guidelines

All articles under consideration for publication in Dance Articulated must follow accepted ethical guidelines, including consent from everybody participating in the research. 

The Vancouver rules must be followed for co-authorship.

Peer-review  of research articles for DANCE ARTICULATED

To submit a research article in Dance Articulated the authors are asked to follow the guidelines and submit a complete manuscript through the journal website. The peer review process is double blind.

The editorial board sends the report from the blind review to the authors and suggest further process for revision of the text, alternatively rejects the article.

Guidelines for peer-reviewers

 Please consult the author guidelines for your review:

 To qualify as a research publication the article shall:

  1. Be relevant as dance research and present new insight to the field.
  2. Be presented in a form, where the methodology used is clear, and the results transparent and/or useful for new research.
  3. Have a linguistic form, which makes it accessible for most (artist-) researchers that might have an interest in it.

The reviewer is asked to evaluate and answer the following aspects and questions:

To what degree does the manuscript meet the demands presented in requests 1, 2 and 3 above?

If the article is submitted to a special issue, is the article relevant for the special issue (please consult the Call for articles to be found on 

 Is the article relevant for the dance field and does it present new knowledge, insights or perspectives?

 Is the academic level good, are the results transparent and/or useful in new research?

Does the article have a linguistic form, which makes it accessible for most researchers on the field?

 Does the manuscript need revision and in that case, how?

 Other comments: (please give any other advise to the author)

 Recommendations to the editorial board:

(  ) I recommend publication, revision is not needed

(  ) I recommend publication with minor revision in accordance with the recommendations in this review

(  ) I recommend publication with major revision in accordance with the recommendations in this review

(  ) I recommend revision and resubmission

(  ) I do not recommend publication

Article Processing Charge

Dance Articulated charges an article processing charge (APC) of 5.000 NOK for peer-reviewed articles. The total sum of 5.000 NOK will be charged to the submitting author after accept for publication of the article. The APC is used by Dance Articulated to pay for proof-reading and layout costs. Dance Articulated is researcher-driven and has no economical support, and the editors and peer-reviewers are not paid for their work. The Open Journal Systems - NTNU does not take out a profit from the APC. Open Journal Systems - NTNU has no income from the publications as they are published open access and are freely available for downloading.

Authors without an affiliation to a research institution that supports their APC are eligible to apply for a complete or partial fee waiver, however a waiver cannot be guaranteed. The publisher’s decision with regard to a fee waiver depends on whether DA can raise alternative funding for the costs of publishing the article. 

Please mail your request for a fee waiver to Editor-in-Chief when submitting your manuscript. This request must be done already at the submitting stage. The corresponding author must include a letter of request, together with any supporting documents, stating

  • Manuscript title
  • Names and titles of all authors
  • Institutional affiliations of all authors
  • Type of waiver requested: partial or full
  • Reason for waiver application

Reviewers have no access to author payment information.

Book reviews are free of charge. Book reviews can have a maximum length of 1500 words.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Copyright Notice

Authors contributing to Dance Articulated retain the copyright of their article but agree to publish their articles under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License ( This allows third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to remix, transform, and build upon the material, for any purpose, even commercially, under the condition that appropriate credit is given, that a link to the license is provided, and that the third party indicates if changes were made. Third parties may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses the third party or its use.

This journal allows the author(s) to hold copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions.

Authors must sign a copyright agreement before publication.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.


Author Self-Archiving

Authors are permitted and encouraged to post manuscripts, incl supplementary material, submitted to this journal on personal or institutional websites, prior to and after publication (while providing the bibliographic details of that publication).


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in  Microsoft Word document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.


Core Journal Information

Journal name: Dance Articulated
ISSN: 2703-8328
Editor-in-chief: Tone Pernille Østern
Editor-in-chief’s email address:
Publisher: NTNU Open Access Journals
Publisher’s address: ILU, NTNU, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Publisher’s organization number: 974 767 880
Publisher contact: Tone Pernille Østern
Publisher contact e-mail:
Journal owner: NTNU Open Access Journals
Journal owner’s address: ILU, NTNU, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Article Processing Charge (APC): NOK 5.000.-
Fee Waiver policy: Partial or complete, by application only
License: Creative Commons-lisensen CC-BY 4.0
DOAJ status: Registered