Prepregnant reproductive risk and subsequent birth outcome among Scandinavian parous women


  • Geir Jacobsen m. fl





This study examined the impact of maternal prepregnant stature, smoking, and past reproductive characteristics

on gestational length, birthweight, weight-for-gestation, and crown heel length. Analyses were based

on 5722 para one and two Caucasian women in Trondheim and Bergen (Norway) and Uppsala (Sweden)

who had a singleton pregnancy and who were interviewed before 20 completed weeks of gestation. Data

included information about previous induced and spontaneous abortions, prepregnant weight and height,

smoking, course and outcome of previous pregnancies with special reference to preterm and low birthweight

(LBW) births, and perinatal deaths. Number of adverse outcome predictors was counted for each woman and

birth outcomes were analysed by that number. Separate univariate and multivariate analyses examined the

impact of the individual risk characteristics. Mean birthweight, crown heel length, and gestational length

were significantly related to number of prepregnant risk characteristics with a dose response decrease from

3750 g, 51.2 cm, and 39.6 weeks to 2955 g, 47.7 cm, and 37.7 weeks for women with zero and six risk

factors, respectively. Both univariate and multivariate analyses showed that prepregnant weight, a previous

LBW birth, and cigarette smoking around conception were the strongest birthweight predictors with a mean

BW reduction of 424 g (95% CI 373, 475 g) and 130 g (95% CI 112, 157 g) for a previous LBW birth and

10 cigarettes per day, respectively. As 88% of birthweight variation was left unexplained by these

prepregnancy characteristics, it may be concluded that the major risk factors are either unknown or that main

predictors of birthweight, such as life style factors, exert their effect


during gestation, or both.

Key words: Pregnancy, risk factor, parous women, birth outcome


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Geir Jacobsen m. fl




