
Norsk Epidemiologi (The Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology) is published by the Norwegian Epidemiological Association (NOFE). The journal is normally published twice a year; each individual issue covers a specific theme and is edited by one or more guest editors. The guest editors invite prospective authors to submit articles within the specific theme, unsolicited articles are generally not accepted. The main aims for the thematic issues are to provide comprehensive scientific overviews of the specific fields, and of the work going on within these fields in Norway, and partly in other countries. The Board of NOFE approves the themes for the specific issues, and appoints guest editors. All members of NOFE can suggest topics and editors.

The Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology is open access, and can be downloaded freely from this website. There is no submission or page charges for manuscripts accepted for publication. The Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology is double-blind peer reviewed and the journal is listed level 1 in the Norwegian scientific classification system.

Editorial Team

Trond Peder Flaten, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology 

Norwegian Epidemiological Association (NOFE)

Principal Contact

Trond Peder Flaten post@nofe.no