Beyond innovation. Towards an extended framework for analysing technology policy
Technology policy, innovation, deployment, socialisation, domesticationAbstract
This paper analyses technology policy as a scholarly concern and political practice that needs to be taken beyond the present somewhat singular focus on innovation and deployment. We also need to include an interest in the making of infrastructure, the provision of regulations, and democratic engagement. Consequently, this paper introduces the concepts of socialisation and domestication to overcome the instrumental, economic framing of technology policy. These concepts highlight the importance of embedding and enacting new technology. The suggested conceptual framework is used in a brief synthetic analysis of four examples of technology policy and technological development in the Norwegian context: cars, wind power, hydrogen for transport, and carbon capture and storage (CCS).Downloads
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Bye, R. and J. Solli. 2007. Vindkraft i Norge: Fra ulønnsom til miljøfiendtlig teknologi. In Aune, M. and Sørensen, K. H. (eds.) Mellom klima og komfort – utfordringer for en bærekraftig energiutvikling, 105-124. Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press.
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Felt, U., B. Wynne, M. Callon, M. E. Gonçalves, S. Jasanoff, M. Jepsen, P.-B. Joly, Z. Konopasek, S. May, C. Neubauer et al. 2007. Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously. Brussels: Directorate General for Research.
Giddens, A.. 1990. The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Gjerald, O.-I. 2012. Frå forretningsidé til realisering for norske vindkraftprosjekt. Er konsesjonsprosessen ei hindring for norsk vindkraftutbygging? Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier 14 (1), 51-76.
Hansen, G. H. and M. Steen. Forthcoming. Becoming the next adventure? The making of offshore wind power in Norway.
Heidenreich, S. Forthcoming. Outreaching, outsourcing and dis-embedding: How offshore wind scientists conceptualize science-public relations.
Hess, D. J. 2007. Alternative Pathways in Science and Industry. Activism, Innovation, and the Environment in an Era of Globalization. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Hommels, A., P. Peters and W. E. Bijker. 2007. Techno therapy or nurtured niches? Technology studies and the evaluation of radical innovations. Research Policy 36: 1088-1099.
Hoppmann, J., M. Peters, M. Schneider and V. H. Hoffmann. 2013. The two faces of market support – How deployment policies affect technological exploration and exploitation in the solar photovoltaic industry. Research Policy 42: 989-1003.
International Energy Agency. 2011. Deploying Renewables. Best and Future Policy Practice. IEA Report.
Jasanoff, S. (ed.) 2004. States of Knowledge. The co-production of science and social order. London: Routledge.
Jasanoff, S. 2005. Designs on Nature. Science and Democracy in Europe and the United States. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Karlstrøm, H. 2012. Empowering markets? The construction and maintenance of a deregulated market for electricity in Norway. Doctoral theses at NTNU 2012:79. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and
Klimek, A. Forthcoming. A question of responsibility: How to engage scientists with the public?
Klimek, A and K. H. Sørensen. Forthcoming. Socialisation of carbon capture, transport and storage in Norwegian media.
Kline, S. J. and N. Rosenberg. 1986. An Overview of Innovation. In Landau, R. and N. Rosenberg (eds.) The Positive Sum Strategy. Harnessing Technology for Economic Growth, 275-306. Washington DC: National Academy Press.
Kårstein, A. 2008. HyNor – den norske hydrogenveien? En studie av en stor tekno-politisk hybrid. Doctoral theses at NTNU 2008: 326. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Latour, B. 1987. Science in Action. How to follow scientists and engineers through society. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Latour, B. 2005. Reassembling the Social. An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Latour, B. 2007. Turning Around Politics: A Note on Gerard de Vries’ Paper. Social Studies of Science 37, 811-820.
Lundvall, B.-Å. 1988. Innovation as an Interactive Process: From User Producer Interaction to National systems of Innovation. In Dosi, G., C. Freeman, R. Nelson, G. Silverberg and L. Soete Technical Change and Economic Theory, 349-369. London: Pinter Publishers.
Lundvall, B.-Å., B. Johnson, E. S. Andersen and B. Dalum. 2002. National systems of production, innovation and competence building. Research Policy 31, 213-231.
Marcus, G. E. 1995. Introduction. In Marcus, G. E. (ed.) Technoscientific imaginaries: conversations, profiles, and memoirs, 1-9. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Markusson, N., F. Kern, J. Watson, S. Arapostathis, H. Chalmers, N. Ghaleigh, P. Heptonstall, P. Pearson, D. Rossati and S. Russel. 2012. A socio-technical framework for assessing the viability of carbon capture and storage technology. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79, 903-918.
Mowery, D. C., R. R. Nelson and B. R. Martin. 2010. Technology policy and global warming: Why new policy models are needed (or why putting new wine in old bottles won’t work). Research Policy 39: 1011-1023.
Müller, S., A. Brown and S. Ölz. 2011. Renewable energy. Policy considerations for deploying renewables. Information paper. Paris: International Energy Agency.
Paraskevopoulou, E.. 2012. Non-technological regulatory effects: Implications for innovation and innovation policy. Research Policy 41: 1058-1071.
Pinch, T. 2010. On making infrastructure visible: putting the non-humans to rights. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 34: 77-89.
Randers, G. 1975. Lysår. Oslo: Gyldendal.
Raven, R. P. J. M., E. Jolivet, R. M. Mourik and Y. C. F. J. Feenstra. 2009. ESTEEM: Managing social acceptance in new energy projects. A toolbox method for project managers. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76, 963-977 .
Rygg, B. J. 2012. Wind power-An assault on local landscapes or an opportunity for modernization? Energy Policy 48, 167-175.
Ryghaug, M. and M. Toftaker. Forthcoming. A Transformative Practice? Meaning, Competence and Material Aspects of Driving Electric Cars in Norway. Nature + Culture
Schot, J. and F. Geels. 2008. Strategic niche management and sustainable innovation journeys: theory, findings, research agenda, and policy. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 20 (5), 537-554.
Scott, V., S. Gilfillan, N. Markusson, H. Chalmers and R. S. Haszeldine. 2013. Last chance for carbon capture and storage. Nature Climate Change 3, 105-111.
Skjølsvold, T. M. 2012. Towards a new sociology of innovation. The case of bioenergy in Norway and Sweden. Doctoral theses at NTNU, 2012:209. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Solli, J. 2010. Where the eagles dare? Enacting resistance to wind farms through hybrid collectives. Environmental politics 19 (1), 45-60.
Spiegel-Rösing, I. and D. de Solla Price (eds.) 1977. Science, Technology and Society. A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective. London: Sage.
Steward, F.. 2012. Transformative innovation policy to meet the challenge of climate change: sociotechnical networks aligned with consumption and end-use as new transition arenas for a low-carbon society or green economy. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 24 (4): 331-343.
Sørensen, K. H. 1991. The Norwegian Car. The Cultural Adaption and Integration of an Imported Artefact. In Sørensen, K. H. and A-J Berg (eds.) Technology and Everyday Life: Trajectories and Transformations, 109-130. NAVF-NTNF-NORAS report 5, Oslo.
Sørensen, K. H. 2002a. Social shaping on the move? On the policy relevance of the social shaping perspective. In Sørensen, K. H. and Williams, R. (eds.) Guiding Policy, Shaping Technology: Concepts, Spaces and Tools, 19-36. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar.
Sørensen, K. H. 2002b. Providing, pushing and policing. Towards a new architecture of technology policy. In Jamison , A. and H. Rohracher (eds.) Technology studies and sustainable development, 65-94. München: Profil
Sørensen, K. H. 2006. Domestication: The enactment of technology. In Berker, T, M. Hartmann, Y. Punie and K. Ward (eds.) Domestication of Media and Technology, 40-61. Maidenhead, Birkshire: Open University Press.
Sørensen, K. H., W. Faulkner and E. Rommes. 2011. Technologies of Inclusion. Gender in the Information Society. Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press.
Tjernshaugen, A. and O. Langhelle. 2009. Technology as political glue: CCS in Norway. In Meadowcroft, J and O. Langhelle (eds.) Caching the carbon. The politics and policy of carbon capture and storage (CCS), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Tyfield, D. 2012. A Cultural Political Economy of Research and Innovation in an Age of Crisis. Minerva, 50: 149-167.
Wajcman, J. 2004. Technofeminism. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Wright, S. 1994. Molecular politics: Developing American and British regulatory policy for genetic engineering, 1972-1982. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Winner, L. 1977. Autonomous technology. Technics-out-of-control as a theme in political thought. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Østby, P. 1995. Flukten fra Detroit: Bilens integrasjon i det norske samfunnet. STS-report no 24. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Centre for Technology and Society.
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