
Editor in Chief

Sehoya Cotner, Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Bergen (UiB)

Managing Editor

Oddfrid Førland, senior adviser, UiB

Editorial Board

Antti Lehtinen, Senior Lecturer, University of Jyväksylä 

Asrun Matthíasdóttir, Assistant Professor, University of Reykjavik 

Lars O. Demant-Poort, Associate Professor, Grønlands universitet 

Hanne Løje, Associate Professor, DTU

Jens Bennedsen, Professor, Aarhus University

Katherine Doerr, Associate Senior Lecturer, Malmö University

Mirjam Sophia Glessmer, Senior Lecturer, LTH Lund University 

Monica Sundset, Professor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Svein-Ole Mikalsen, Professor, University of the Faroe Islands 

Tor Ole Odden, Associate Professor, University of Oslo 

Reidar Lyng, Associate Professor, NTNU

Thomas Gjesteland, Professor, University of Agder