On Competition-driven Teaching of Multidisciplinary Engineering Education: Implementation cases at University of Stavanger





This article will reflect the experience gained on problem-based learning (PBL) projects implemented in the last six years at University of Stavanger (UiS). The PBL projects were implemented by establishing two ”student-driven” student organizations, ION Racing and UiS Subsea, that design and construct Formula 1 style single seat racecar and underwater robot respectively. The student organizations simulate an engineering company that receives order from a client and deliver the product according to the customer specifications. The fundamental objective of the projects is to stimulate the learning process in the engineering profession in a multidisciplinary environment, gain knowledge within science and engineering, and develop skills in use of advanced tools and techniques. The article highlights the student competition environment briefly and presents the result of a survey conducted on students currently participating in the PBL project. The survey result clearly indicates that the students’ preference for learning is on project work in a team and hands-on exercises including laboratory works.


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