The potential of complex challenges in undergraduate research to stimulate transformative learning




In the present study, I describe and evaluate the transformative learning potential of authentic research projects that students engage in a course on tissue engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. Through the use of weekly reflective diaries and interviews, I explore how students change their perspective on what learning means to them and the purpose of higher education. Based on the empirical data and scientific literature, I discuss complex challenges as one emerging and deciding factor that helps students to have transformative learning experiences. At the end, some general pointers will be provided on how educators can approach the integration of complex challenges into their own courses and settings.


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Patric Wallin, Department of Education and Lifelong Learning Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Patric Wallin is a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning, at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. He holds a Ph. D. degree in Bioscience with a specialization in Educational science. Patric’s research interests in higher education are focused around personal development, interdisciplinary learning, peer-learning, and reflections. He is particular interested in how universities can create learning environments where students learn with and from each other over disciplinary boundaries.


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