Nordic Journal of STEM Education
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2025)We are delighted to announce a new issue of the Nordic Journal of STEM Education: Volume 9, Issue 1.
What can I find in the latest issue?
We feature seven new research articles, and our first in the new “Teaching Tools” category. These articles were contributed by our colleagues in Norway, Sweden, and the United States, and represent a range of diverse interests and disciplinary foci. Three (Persson, Berglund and Krause, Gjerde) discuss the incorporation of video assignments—either instructor- or student-created—and three (Berglund and Krause, Costello et al., Abrahamsen et al.) discuss assessment forms. Lindström Månefjord et al. share interesting findings from their work on implicit bias in STEM education, and Rotondo et al. present a form of gamification in engineering education. In the Teaching Tool, Brustad shares two forms of active learning intended to help students better see the value in programming.
What is going on at NJSTEME?
We continue to improve our workflow, appearance, and communication. We are also interested in expanding our reach to better cover work throughout the Nordics. We recently met with colleagues in Helsinki to learn more about their LUMAT journals, and to discuss future collaborative opportunities. You can help by sharing NJSTEME, especially articles you find interesting, with your networks. Our authors have worked hard to see this work through to publication…let’s amplify their efforts. You can also find us at Bluesky as
We also will be offering a “Writing for NJSTEME” workshop at the upcoming MNT Conference in May 2025 in Trondheim, Norway. We hope to see many of you there!
Thank you for reading this information, and for your patience as we work to improve the Nordic Journal of STEM Education.
All the best,
Sehoya Cotner, Oddfrid Førland, and the Library Team at NTNU
Nordic Journal of STEM Education
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024)Welcome to a new issue of the Nordic Journal of STEM Education. Here we have ten new research articles, with contributors from across the Nordics. These articles are diverse in focus and include an overview of the current status of permafrost education, as well as articles focusing on novel pedagogical tools, assessment, approaches to teaching and learning in mathematics and engineering, student understanding of the nature of science in higher education, and the relationship between students’ overall satisfaction with higher education STEM courses and university teachers’ didactical practice. Read more about recent activity and future plans for the Journal under Announcements (see tab above). Special thanks to Pernille Bronken Eidesen (University of Oslo) for the key image.
Sehoya Cotner, Editor in Chief
Nordic Journal of STEM Education - Full Papers
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024) -
MNT-konferansen 2023
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023)Special volume: Papers from the MNT (STEM) Konferansen 2023.
Konferansen arrangeres av Universitets og høgskolerådet, UHR ved UHR-MNT, nasjonal fagstrategisk enhet for MNT-feltet, Nasjonalt senter for realfagsrekruttering, NSR og Universitet i Stavanger, UiS. -
Nordic Journal of STEM Education - Full Papers
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023) -
Vol. 6 No. 1
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022) -
Vol. 5, No. 1, MNT konferansen 2021
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)Dette volumet inneholder bidrag som ble presentert og diskutert på MNT- konferansen 2021. MNT-konferansen har som formål å fremme MNT-utdanningenes (Matematikk, Naturvitenskap, Teknologi) kvalitet og relevans gjennom å bidra til forskningsbasert og vitenskapelig tilnærming til undervisning og læring – SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) – slik vi kjenner det fra forskning. Konferansens mål:
- Bidra til utvikling av MNT-utdanningers kvalitet og relevans gjennom kunnskapsdeling og dialog
- Oppmuntre til diskusjon om undervisning og læring i MNT-utdanning
- Gi underviserne en mulighet til å dokumentere og dele sine pedagogiske erfaringer
- Samle dokumenterte og evaluerte eksempler på gode og innsiktsfulle tanker og aktiviteter
For MNT-konferansen 2021 var overordnet tema «Utdanningskvalitet i et bærekraftsperspektiv". Tema for bidrag var ikke begrenset til dette, noe som vises gjennom det dokumenterte arbeidet som ble delt og var grunnlag for diskusjoner om undervisning og læring på konferansen. Bidrag som er publisert i dette konferanse-volumet kan videreutvikles til tidsskriftbidrag. Da er det rom for, og forventninger til, grundigere behandling av stoffet, gjerne også basert på diskusjoner på konferansen. Forfattere kan videreutvikle sitt bidrag og sende dette inn på nytt som et tidsskriftbidrag, som da vil gjennomgå peer review og bli publisert som full paper i et kommende volume.
Dr. Henrik Kofoed Nielsen, Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Agder, UiA
Dr. Corinne Feremans, Associate professor, Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway, USN
Dr. Roy Andersson, Department of Computer Science/Academic Development Unit, Lund University/ SFU BioCEED, University of Bergen, UiB
Dr. Guttorm Sindre, Professor, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering/ Excited SFU, NTNU
Dr. Thomas Gjesteland, Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Agder, UiA
Dr. Reidar Lyng, Leder Center for Science & Engineering Education Development, NTNU
Dr. Mette Mo Jakobsen, Universities Norway/ Professor, University of Agder, UiA
Vol. 4 No. 2
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021) -
Vol. 4 No. 1
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020) -
Vol. 2, No. 1
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018) -
Vol. 1, No. 1, MNT konferansen 2017
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017)MNT konferansen 2017
Dette volumet inneholder både artikler som ble presentert på MNT- konferansen 2017 og fagfellevurderte tidsskrift artikler.