Innføring av studentaktive læringsmetoder for å utvide studentenes forståelse av programmering


  • T. F. Brustad Institutt for Datateknologi og beregningsorienterte ingeniørfag, Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap og teknologi, UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet



Studentaktiv læring, programmering, problemløsning, grubleoppgaver, muntlig obligatorisk oppgave


Many students associate programming with writing code in a programming language, but the programming process is much more than coding. Programming is a way of thinking, decomposing, and solving problems, where there is usually no single correct answer. In teaching programming subjects, it can sometimes be difficult to get students to plan and reflect on the choices they make when coding, and they often end up choosing the first solution they find. In this project, a pilot study was conducted where two different student-active learning methods were implemented in a programming course. The methods are intended to help students understand that programming is more than coding and to teach them various parts of the programming process. The two activities used in the project are brain teasers and oral assignment, both of which encourage creativity, reflection, and problem-solving among students.


The robot dog Bittle.



How to Cite

Brustad, T. F. 2025. “Innføring Av Studentaktive læringsmetoder for å Utvide Studentenes forståelse Av Programmering”. Nordic Journal of STEM Education 9 (1):133-43.