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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Figures and tables are provided with captions and located at the appropriate places in the main text (not grouped together at the end of the manuscript). This is to ensure that no displacements of figures and tables occurs because of the different versions of word processing programs used.
  • The cover letter includes suggestions for at least three suitable impartial and external referees with name and Email address.
  • We recommended that a .pdf-version of the text is submitted along with the Word file. However, an editable .doc or .docx version is required.
  • Every citation has a reference, and every reference is cited. Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The submission has not been previously published.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Peer reviewed articles that address pedagogical, educational, and academic developments or studies, and that contain empirical observation and theoretical frameworks. Nordic perspectives are of particular interest, but articles with a wider scope will be considered if the authors have positioned them to be relevant to issues in Nordic STEM higher education.

Each of the three article types (Research article, Perspective article and Teaching tool) will be subject to peer review.

STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Editorial Procedure

Articles that are found promising are peer-reviewed. The author will normally receive a response with a decision and detailed instructions for further process. Articles accepted for publication will be returned to the author for proofreading and final approval, where minor changes such as corrections to typographical and formatting errors, may be made. There are no page charges for manuscripts accepted for publication.

Contributions must be submitted as Microsoft Word files. Please use this template and submit both .doc and .pdf files. 

  • Language: the journal accepts manuscripts written in either Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.
  • The first page of the manuscript must contain the full title, abstract(s), author information, and keywords.
    • Article type: Please note whether your contribution is a Research article, Perspective article, or Teaching Tool.
    • Authors: Include author information for all authors, and assign one corresponding author.
    • Abstract(s): All contributions must include an English language abstract (up to 300 words), in addition to an abstract in the language of the article if this is Norwegian, Swedish or Danish (up to 300 words). Authors can also choose to include an abstract in any Nordic language (up to 300 words).
    • Keywords: 2-5 keywords. If article language is Norwegian, Swedish or Danish, keywords must be provided in English, as well as in the article language. We encourage authors to consider keywords that will improve the “searchability” of their work. For example “education” will not be as useful as “STEM higher education.” And specifics are better. For example, “team-based learning” may be better than the more general “active learning” when searching for articles relating to a specific pedagogy.
  • Article length: for research articles the word limit is 6000 words, not including abstract and references. Perspective articles and Teaching Tools articles should not exceed 3000 words.
  • The author is responsible for procuring permission to use illustrations and other previously published materials. 
  • Formatting: please use the formatting in the template. Make sure that all tables and figures have captions and are located at the appropriate places in the main text (not grouped together at the end of the manuscript).
  • Referencing: We require the APA style for referencing. Make sure every citation has a reference, and every reference is cited. Where available, URLs for the references should be provided.

Research articles

Research articles can follow the authors’ desired format, but modified IMRAD (in which the Discussion clearly articulates implications for Nordic STEM higher education) is recommended. Suggested word limit: 6000, but longer contributions may be considered. Specifically, these contributions should include, and will be reviewed based on:

    • An evidence-based, theoretically grounded rationale for the work described
    • A clear research question or testable hypothesis
    • Sound methodology that can be replicated based on the information provided
    • Data that align with the stated question or hypothesis
    • Conclusions that are justified based on the data presented
    • Findings that advance our understanding of teaching and learning in Nordic STEM higher education

Rubric for assessing quality of the Research Article contribution

Teaching tools

Teaching Tools articles are open format, but should briefly state a challenge for educators, offer a solution (e.g., specific teaching activity or innovation) that has been tested by the author(s), and provide some evidence of effectiveness or critical analysis. Key to these contributions is their immediate utility to educators, thus the authors should provide sufficient information and resources to allow others to try the recommended activity themselves. Literature cited should be carefully chosen and limited to approximately 20 sources. Suggested word limit: 3000.

Rubrics for assessing quality of the Teaching Tools article contribution

Perspective article

Perspective articles are open format, but should clearly articulate a current challenge or emerging issue relevant to Nordic STEM higher education. These contributions can be categorized as opinion pieces, calls to action, summaries of recent developments in the field, or book reviews. The authors should use enough citations to provide relevant context, but ideally the literature cited would be limited to 20 sources. Suggested word limit: 3000.

Rubric for assessing quality of the Perspectives article contribution

MNT Konferansen - Conference submissions

The proceedings of the bi-annual MNT Conference (MNT konferansen) will be published as a special issue of NJSTEME. The contributions have passed through editorial desk review before the conference and are not further vetted before publishing the accepted conference submissions in this OJS journal. This section is not part of the peer reviewed contributions to the Nordic Journal of STEM Education.

For submissions to the conference, go to the MNT konferansen 2025 web page

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.