Beyond Code Assistance with GPT-4: Leveraging GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT for Peer Review in VSE Engineering


  • Roar Elias Georgsen


generative AI· very small entities· systems engineering· re- quirements engineering


Most companies are Very Small Entities (VSEs), meaning they have fewer than 25 employees. Primarily domain specialists, these companies lack in-house expertise in important areas such as security and reliability engineering, process improvement, Quality Management (QM) and Systems Engineering (SE). VSEs struggle to adhere to Stan- dard Operating procedures (SOP), and research has shown that con- tractual obligations to follow industry standards and best practices have little effect on actual engineering. This paper describes a case study that explored the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) to support engineering best practices at a VSE by taking on the role of an expert peer in areas where the company had a skills gap. Aiwell, a Norwegian producer of building automation equipment, used ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot and GPT-4 to assess the quality of their system and stakeholder requirements. A GPT-4 foundation model with no additional training was given links to reference materials on requirements engineering pro- duced by The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and allowed to participate in discussions on the same digital collabora- tion platform as the human engineers. The study found that AI-assisted requirement reviews immediately and positively impacted the entire en- gineering process, supporting the feasibility of integrating advanced AI technologies in VSEs, even with limited training and resources. Partici- pants highlighted the complementary nature of human intelligence and AI, where LLMs augmented human judgment through dialogue, leading to enriched engineering practices. Ethical and data privacy considera- tions also emerged as central themes, emphasising the need for proactive measures.


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