E-exams and exam process improvement


  • Guttorm Sindre Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Aparna Vegendla Norwegian University of Science and Technology


digital exam, process improvement, didactics, requirements,


While many tasks concerning the interaction between students and learning institutions have been successfully digitized, high-stakes examinations remain mainly a traditional paper-based process in most Norwegian learning institutions. A large scale shift towards e-exams can however be expected during the next 5-10 years, based on a number of perceived benefits of digital exams over paper-based exams. From a pedagogical perspective it is important to avoid a too narrow focus on e-exams mainly as a means to save money by making the examination and grading process more efficient, but rather as a possibility for more fundamental process and quality improvement. This paper analyzes what improvements might be possible, and what requirements this would entail for the e-exam system.


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Undervising og Didaktikk i IT-faga