Requirement Engineering for a Small Project with Pre-Specified Scope


  • Thomas D Nielsen Univeristy of Aalborg
  • Sigve Hovda Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Antonio Fernández Universidad de Almeria
  • Helge Langseth Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Anders L. Madsen Hugin Expert
  • Andrés Masegosa Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Antonio Salmerón Universidad de Almeria


This paper describes the requirements engineering process developed for
the EU-funded project Analysis of MassIve DataSTreams (AMIDST). The
process adopts a use case based approach to requirements engineering (RE),
that is tailored to the specific characteristics of the AMIDST project. These
characteristics include a relatively small group of developers, a pre-defined
project scope, stakeholders from different industries, and the development of
a general software framework that can be instantiated according to the needs
of the stakeholders. The resulting methodology is sufficiently general to be
of relevance for similar development projects.


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