Quantifying Influence of Strategies and Network Properties in Repairing Simultaneous Failures in Smart Grid


  • Jonas Wäfler Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Poul E. Heegaard Norwegian University of Science and Technology


The behavior of networks under simultaneous failures has been
subject to various studies in the field of network science. However, the
measures used do usually not take into account the peculiarities of the
studied network. In this paper, we introduce a new measure for power
grids based on the balancing of power and on the accumulated cost of
energy not supplied (CENS) during an outage. With the help of this
measure we quantify the performance of seven repair strategies. We find
that both the choice of the right strategy and the topology of the power
grid has a major influence on the outage cost and the survivability of
the power grid. Additionally, we appraise the potential of smart grid
services and conclude that both distributed energy resources (DER) and
demand response (DR) has a large potential to reduce the cost of an


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