Revealing the secret behind the innovative «One-video- fit for all» method in education


  • Tonje Jin Norwegian University of Science and Technology


This article delves into the innovative use of seamless branching videos in higher education, focusing on courses at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2023. Seamless branching videos create personalized learning journeys, allowing students to interact with content that adjusts to their unique needs. This method notably boosts engagement and understanding, especially in intricate subjects like mathematics. The incorporation of AI technologies further refines the flexibility and effectiveness of these educational tools for future advancements. Our research indicates that seamless branching videos not only enhance traditional teaching methods but also present new challenges for educational implementation. The article offers insights into how these videos can revolutionize educational experiences and provides practical advice for educator’s interested in adopting this technology. By outlining the benefits and overcoming potential obstacles, our goal is to make it easier for educators to embrace this innovative approach to enhance their teaching methodologies.


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