Increasing student preparation and participation through flipped classroom and other measures
This article presents and discusses my efforts to implement flipped classroom and other measures to increase student preparation and participation. It outlines the challenges that decision to implement changes, including under-preparation among students, describes the literature and collegial advice that I sought in preparation for the changes and the potential benefits and objections to implementing flipped classroom. It then describes the new course design, including the efforts made to clarify expectations and provide useful preparation materials for students, the increased emphasis on group work and some of the interactive classroom methods employed. To evaluate the effects of these measures, I consider my own logbook, course evaluations, discussions with the reference group and with my PhD student. I consider some of the challenges encountered, including students’ frustrations over group work. I find that student preparation levels increased, that attendance rates improved and that the exam results also indicated improvements in student performance. By way of conclusion I discuss whether the implemented measures actually constitute flipped classroom and I suggest some alterations to a second iteration of the course before I consider what I have learned myself and recommend others to be inspired by these experiences.
Copyright (c) 2020 Astrid Rasch

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