OJS - publiseringsplattform for Open Access-tidsskrifter

Universitetsbibliotekets publiseringsgruppe tilbyr forskere og fagmiljøer ved NTNU en plattform for publisering av fagfellevurderte tidsskrifter med åpen tilgang. Open Access-tidsskrifter utgitt ved NTNU er basert på programvaren Open Journal Systems (OJS). Alle våre tidsskrifter publiseres med en Creative Commons lisens.

Våre tidsskrift finner du i listen under, unntatt Radiography Open som utgis i samarbeid med OsloMet.


  • Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning

    This journal publishes papers accepted and presented at the Norwegian ICT Conference for Research and Education.  The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.  The Journal is registered as a
    level 1 publication in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers.

    NIKT Journal online ISSN: 1892-0721
    Former printed publications ISSN: 1892-0713

  • Moderne mobilitet og infrastruktur

    Moderne Mobilitet og Infrastruktur er et populærvitenskapelig tidsskrift utgitt av NTNU, Institutt for Bygg og miljøteknikk.

    Vi ønsker artikler om aktuelle prosjekter eller initiativ i Norge. Formen skal være populærvitenskapelig, omfanget ca 2-4 sider, men dette er ikke veldig strengt.

    Redaktører er Inge Hoff og Trude Tørset

  • Dance Articulated

    The OPEN ACCESS publication channel Dance Articulated engages research that offers momentum to future dialogues and community building within dance. The journal aims to increase the publication opportunities for researchers in the fields of dance, dance education, and choreography, stimulating the sharing of such research and contributing to new networks and new readers of research in dance, dance education, and choreography.

    Dance Articulated mainly publishes peer-reviewed research articles, but also editorials, selected reviews, and other not peer-reviewed articles.

    The editorial board wishes to:

    • deliver contemporary and cutting-edge research on a broad range of topics related to dance, dance education, and choreography through Special Issues on urgent research themes, suggested by the editorial board or guest editors.

    • strengthen the possibilities for research publications within a broad field related to dance, dance education, and choreography internationally.

    • stimulate to increased visibility of research on a broad field of dance, dance education and choreography

    • contribute to new networks of writers and readers on a broad field of dance, dance education and choreography

  • Proceedings of the international conferences on the bearing capacity of roads, railways and airfields

    Background and Scope

    The main objective for the BCRRA conference is to promote efficient design, construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure by addressing issues related  to bearing capacity problems of roads, railways and airfields.

    Bearing capacity issues are continuously changing as traffic volumes and weights increase, new materials and methods are developed, and new aspects of design and material utilization are brought into focus. In this context there is an increasing need for a forum where experts in this field, from all over the world, can exchange views and experiences, and discuss new concepts and innovative solutions. The BCRRA conference aims to provide such a forum.


  • Læring om læring

    Læring om læring er en åpen journal for deling av refleksjoner rundt læring – gjerne med utgangspunkt i egen utprøving eller utvikling av læringsformer, undervisningsformer, vurderingsformer, teknologi og tjenester, læringsareal og kombinasjoner av disse.

    Journalen har ISSN 2535-4108

  • Proceedings of the Nordic Insulation Symposium

    Proceedings of the biannual Nordic symposium on materials, components and diagnostics.

    ISSN 2535-3969

  • Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies

    The Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies (NJSTS) is an Open Access academic journal published at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture. NJSTS is committed to advancing multidisciplinary studies at the intersection of the social sciences, the humanities and natural and technical sciences. It welcomes contributions that explore the effects of technological and scientific change on societal organization, addressing both contemporary and historic perspectives and employing theories taken from a diverse range of fields including anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, history, philosophy, political science and media studies.

    The NJSTS is connected to the Nordic network of STS research, which connects researchers within the field from all Nordic countries.

  • Nordic Journal of STEM Education

    The Nordic Journal of STEM Education is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal publishing in the broad field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Higher Education.

    ISSN 2535-4574

  • Etikk i praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics

    Etikk i praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics (EiP) er et vitenskapelig tidsskrift i anvendt etikk og beslektet politisk teori. Tidsskriftet tar imot bidrag fra alle som arbeider med problemstillinger innen anvendt etikk fra ulike faglige innfallsvinkler. Artiklene tematiserer etiske, politiske og sosiale aspekt ved vitenskaps- og teknologiutviklingen innenfor ulike felt, forskningsetikk samt normative makt-, demokrati- og kulturanalyser. Tidsskriftet er dermed en møteplass for anvendt etikk enten man arbeider med bioteknologi, forskning, skole, barndom, Internett, kultur, natur, næringsliv, idrett, media, medisin, politikk eller annet. EIP er fagtidsskrift og publiseres open access to ganger per år i mai og november . Det er for øyeblikket nivå 1 i norske vitenskapelige klassifiseringssystem.

  • Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter

    DKNVS Skrifter 250 år i 2011

    Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter er en av verdens eldste løpende vitenskapelige skriftserie. Det første nummeret av Skrifter ble utgitt i 1761, året etter stiftelsen av Det Tronhiemske Selskab, som var benevnelsen fram til 1767.

    I forbindelse med Skrifters 250-årsjubileum i 2011, har Spesialsamlingene på Gunnerusbiblioteket ved NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket, med bidrag fra DKNVS, digitalisert og publisert samtlige Skrifter fra 1761 til og med 1920, samt 2010-2011. Fram til 1906 er det brukt bokscanner, deretter er det brukt arkmaterscanner.

    Dette gjør det nå mulig for alle interesserte til å se på en mengde godbiter som gir et unikt innblikk i Norges vitenskapshistorie.

  • Fauna norvegica

    Fauna norvegica is an international journal focusing on Nordic fauna. In addition to faunistic studies, contributions concerning systematics and taxonomy, biogeography, biodiversity in order to describe abundance and distribution, as well as methodological development, are welcome. Submitted manuscripts will be considered for publication after peer review. There are no page charges for manuscripts accepted for publication.

  • Norsk Epidemiologi

    Norsk Epidemiologi (The Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology) is published by the Norwegian Epidemiological Association (NOFE). The journal is normally published twice a year; each individual issue covers a specific theme and is edited by one or more guest editors. The guest editors invite prospective authors to submit articles within the specific theme, unsolicited articles are generally not accepted. The main aims for the thematic issues are to provide comprehensive scientific overviews of the specific fields, and of the work going on within these fields in Norway, and partly in other countries. The Board of NOFE approves the themes for the specific issues, and appoints guest editors. All members of NOFE can suggest topics and editors.

    The Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology is open access, and can be downloaded freely from this website. There is no submission or page charges for manuscripts accepted for publication. The Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology is double-blind peer reviewed and the journal is listed level 1 in the Norwegian scientific classification system.

  • CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research

    The CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research is devoted to publishing peer-reviewed research articles related to all aspects of chironomid research. The journal also serves as an updated news bulletin for the Chironomidae research community. The journal has one issue per year, but articles are published online continuously after they are accepted. The journal is open access, and can be downloaded freely from this website. All research articles submitted to CHIRONOMUS Current Reseach section are subject to peer-review. There are no page charges for manuscripts accepted for publication.