Identifying Norwegian shrews (Soricidae) from non-dental mandibular characters

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Tore Fredriksen
Gunnar Langhelle
Karl Frafjord


A method for discriminating between 6 species of Norwegian shrews (Soricidae) based on a few characters in the lower mandible is described. Length, height, and one angle were measured in cleaned mandibles (n = 297). When plotting angle/length on height, most species were clearly separated. In addition, the position of the condyle relative to the infracondylar notch was used to separate one species of Neomys from the 5 species of Sorex. In the Sorex species, mandible length had most discriminating power, followed by mandible height, angle, and angle/height. A classification table to distinguish between the species is given.


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How to Cite
Fredriksen, T., Langhelle, G., & Frafjord, K. (1992). Identifying Norwegian shrews (Soricidae) from non-dental mandibular characters. Fauna Norvegica, 13, 19-22.

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