Status of the harbour seal Phoca vitulina in Finnmark, North Norway

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Gunnar Henriksen
Tore Haug


Results from surveys, designed to assess the numbers of harbour seals Phoca vitulina at their breeding and moulting sites in Finnmark county, North Norway, in 1989 - 91, are presented. The maximum total number of moulting harbour seals counted in the county (in 1991) was 332, distributed at eight localities. Breeding was observed at seven sites that mainly coincided with the moulting sites. Maximum total counts of 221 (including 47 pups) and 232 (including 33 pups) seals were made during breeding in 1990 and 1991, respectively. Two of the surveyed haul-out sites were estuarine sandbanks. The other ones were localized either on open rocky coasts or in fjords. The estimated number of harbour seals taken by local hunters in Finnmark was 260 animals in 1980 - 85 and 150 animals in 1986 - 1990.


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How to Cite
Henriksen, G., & Haug, T. (1994). Status of the harbour seal Phoca vitulina in Finnmark, North Norway. Fauna Norvegica, 15, 19-24.