Descriptions of four larval forms of Nilodosis Kieffer from East Asia

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Hongqu Tang
Masaru Yamamoto


Larval material putatively assigned to the genus Nilodosis Kieffer from Korea, China and Japan has been compared. The results show that the Japanese larval form has the club- to balloon-shaped cephalic setae S7 and S9 in common with the Korean larval form, but it can be separated from the latter by the shape of the inner mandibular teeth and the premandibular teeth. The larval forms from China (Guangdong and Yunnan) apparently consist of two independent species. It is most likely that there will be more species in this genus found in Asia. Larvae are mud-sandy bottom-dwellers that can occur in the littoral of lakes and the potamal of larger rivers, up to a maximum depth of 5 meters. The specific larval characters show that it probably is a semi-psammorheophilic predator.

doi: 10.5324/fn.v31i0.1406.

Published online: 17 October 2012.



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How to Cite
Tang, H., & Yamamoto, M. (2012). Descriptions of four larval forms of Nilodosis Kieffer from East Asia. Fauna Norvegica, 31, 205.
Chironomidae Symposium Proceedings